Political Commentary “Nasty Personal Smears”: Team Biden Loses It as GOP Subpoenas Family Members, Works to Defund Kamala’s Office
Political Commentary WATCH: Vivek Goes “Savage Mode” on Incompetent Establishment GOP, “Corrupt Media”
Political Commentary Fox News Goes Ballistic after Vivek Calls Out “Corrupt Media” During GOP Debate [WATCH]
Political Commentary “We Will Find You, and We Will Deport You”: Trump Puts Pro-Jihadist Protestors on Notice
Political Commentary “Every State is a Border State” Now: GOP Sen. Exposes Terrifying Figure from Border Crisis [WATCH]
Political Commentary WATCH: Jamaal Bowman Goes Ballistic on House Floor Over Censorship Vote, Boebert Comment
Political Commentary Rep. Massie Calls Out “Safety Device” Bill that Would “Passively” Monitor Drivers
Political Commentary “Path of Least Resistance”: Maher Scorches Neil DeGrasse Tyson Over Stance on Woke Students [WATCH]
Political Commentary WATCH: KJP Refuses to Condemn Removal of Israeli Hostage Posters during Press Briefing