Human Interest Commentary NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Hits Major Milestone, Finds “Exoplanet” the Same Size as Earth
Human Interest Commentary Fit and Healthy High School Student Dies Suddenly after Collapsing at School, “No Explanation as to Why”
Human Interest Commentary “Dies Suddenly” Strikes Again: Fit, Healthy 10-year-old Girl Dies Suddenly after Collapsing at School
Human Interest Commentary Security Camera Captures Raccoon’s Adorable Reaction To Seeing Falling Snow
Human Interest Commentary “The System is Broken”: Woman Dies After 7-Hour Wait in Canada’s Socialized Medical System
Human Interest Commentary Bright Green Comet Here Once Every 50,000 Years Will Be Visible to the Naked Eye Later this Month for the First Time Since the Stone Age
Human Interest Commentary Jill Biden’s Outfits Compared To Upholstered Furniture In Side-By-Side Photos On Hilarious Twitter Thread