If you think that America is on the precipice of becoming the evilest nation in modern history, then Mira Sorvino just said exactly what’s on your mind. The award-winning actress posted a Tweet on New Year’s Eve detailing the horrendous wrongs that she believes this country commits in the present day, and she even offered us her predictions about America’s future atrocities.
Sorvino won the academy award and a golden globe for best-supporting actress in Mighty Aphrodite, a Woody Allen film. She is also the daughter of Paul Sorvino, from Goodfellas.
Now onto what Mira had to say about the state of our nation.
We think we are on this inexorable climb to progress, growth, equality, only to realize we are only 1 degree away from Auschwitz, or George Washington’s thousands of slaves, the genocide of millions of Native Americans, or the justification of Harvey Weinstein’s rapes…
— Mira Sorvino (@MiraSorvino) December 31, 2022
“We think we are on this inexorable climb to progress, growth, equality, only to realize we are only 1 degree away from Auschwitz, or George Washington’s thousands of slaves, the genocide of millions of Native Americans, or the justification of Harvey Weinstein’s rapes…”
Oh boy. Generally, it’s not good to try to draw parallels to the Holocaust, but Mira clearly thinks that we are so far gone as a society that this is the only expectable next step. She said this abomination of a prediction in a follow-up to an earlier tweet where she detailed what is wrong with our nation, as things are right now.
“Does anyone else feel shellshocked hideous wrongs of our nation’s past we thought we’d progressed beyond’ve found footing as pseudo-defensible positions:Bigotry, slavery, white supremacy, colonialism, anti-semitism, hatred of women, lgbtqia folk & migrants-as tho they were legit?”
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If she is really “shellshocked”, then that explains the out-of-touch conclusions that she is drawing. Does America have issues that it can improve to become a freer nation? Sure. Is it close to committing genocide? Emphatically, no.
The Sorvinos were previously in the news when they helped lead the denouncing of Hollywood’s Harvey Weinstein, who was convicted of rape in 2020. The actress claimed to have narrowly escaped being a victim of Weinstein, and that her career took a massive hit due to her not capitulating to his demands, in an interview with KTLA.
“There was certainly nothing consensual about the times that he tried to force me or would coerce me into having a sexual relationship with him. I said no. This was not something that he wanted to be a two-sided street. I just managed to wiggle my way out of it, and paid for it with my career.”
Her father, Paul, was also very clear in his disdain for Weinstein. In an interview with TMZ that was shared by the Daily Wire, Paul Sorvino said this:
“If I meet him on the street … he ought to hope he goes to jail, because if we come across, I think he’ll be lying on the floor, somehow. Magically. He’s gonna go to jail, that son of a b*tch. Good for him if he goes, ’cause if not he has to meet me. And I’ll kill the mother****er.”