Criminals seem to have still not learned the lesson that the South is a terrible place to try preying on your fellow man, as not only are people packing enough firepower to make Curtis LeMay blush, but their state governments are generally friendly toward them when they use it.
Such was seen recently in Texas, where a taqueria customer with a concealed carry pistol ended a robber’s life when he tried holding up the restaurant and its patrons. Thanks to the customer having a real firearm and the robber having a BB pistol meant to look like a firearm, it wasn’t even really a fight.
And now the lesson that the South is a bad place to rob people is coming from Louisiana, where a woman shot and killed a suspected robber who broke into her home early in the morning on Sunday. The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office, posting about that on its Facebook page yesterday, said:
Man Shot & Killed By Homeowner After Committing Home Invasion
The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office reports one subject is deceased following a home invasion at a Hammond residence, which occurred in the early morning hours of January 8, 2023.
Chief Jimmy Travis says deputies responded to reports of shots fired at a residence on Klein Road shortly after 5:00 AM on Sunday. During the course of the investigation, detectives were able to determine the suspect, later identified as 51 year old Robert Rheams of Hammond, was armed with a shovel and a lug wrench when he forced entry into the home of the victim and her two young children.
During the incident, a physical altercation took place between Rheams and the homeowner which ultimately led to Rheams being shot by the homeowner. Rheams was later pronounced deceased on scene by the Tangipahoa Parish Coroner’s Office.
At the time of the incident, Rheams was out on parole after serving approximately 20 years in prison for armed robbery. Detectives have also been able to tie Rheams to a carjacking which occurred hours prior to the home invasion.
Chief Travis adds that as of this time, no arrests were made in this investigation. Once the investigation is complete, the case will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for further review.
Chief Travis concludes by adding this case appears to be a homeowner exercising second amendment rights to protect herself and her children from a violent home invasion.
So a thug let out of prison who had also committed a carjacking found out the hard way that crime doesn’t pay and that it’s better to live a good life than try to take the easy way out by stealing what others have learned…but, unfortunately for him, he learned that a bit too late to make use of it, as he was found dead on the scene.
The police did not say how many shots were fired or what firearm the homeowner used to defend herself and her kids from Rheams and his potentially violent predations.
Featured image credit: Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office Facebook