Things to a turn for the…absolutely predictable in a Texas taqueria when a punk with a fake gun tried robbing it.
It’s bad enough that he was robbing a place in Texas, a state well-known for its commitment to gun ownership and the use of firearms when necessary for the defense of one’s person or property. In other words, Texas is a place where gun ownership and the use of those firearms in justified self-defense situations is encouraged rather than discouraged. “We’re not in Kenosha anymore” might be an appropriate phrase.
So it would be a dumb enough decision to try robbing anywhere in Texas even if you were armed. Whatever you might be carrying would likely be outclassed and outnumbered by the other patrons of the place.
But the punk in this case was even dumber. Instead of using a real firearm, he used a fake one. So he made the store’s employees and patrons think that their lives and property were at risk, but had no capacity to actually fight with anything other than his fists.
Louder with Crowder, reporting on the incident, noted that “the man with the real gun did not know the man with a fake gun…had a fake gun. This is why it is inadvisable that, if you make the regretful decision to commit armed robbery, you need to focus on the armed part more than the robbery part. It shouldn’t be too much to expect criminals to think these things through. Yet here we all are again.”
KHOU 11, adding more details as to what happened, noted that:
A customer at Ranchito Taqueria shot and killed a man who robbed the restaurant in southwest Houston late Thursday night, according to the Houston Police Department.
[…]Houston police also released surveillance photos of the customer who shot the robber in the video. Investigators said he is wanted for questioning for his role in the shooting. He has not been identified and is not charged at this time.
A photo of his 1970s or 80s model pickup truck with no bed was also released
The shooter collected the stolen money from the robber and returned it to the other patrons, police said. Then the rest of the people in the restaurant left the scene before the police arrived.
So he not only defended everyone in the store from a thug presenting himself as an armed robber, but also made sure everyone got their stolen money back…yet still the police are wanting to question him.
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KHOU 11 quoted someone in the local DA’s office as noting that the shooting was likely justified given that it occurred during an armed robbery, saying:
“I can point you exactly where it is in the law, 9.31 and 9.32 of the penal code,” said Nathan Beedle with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
Beedle says Texas law outlines specific instances pertaining to robbery by threat, or aggravated robbery, where deadly force is presumed justified.
“Whether someone uses deadly force in the situation, that is presumed to be correct under Texas law,” Beedle said.