Disney recently announced its reboot of the classic “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.” A live-action remake of the original animated fairy tale film, the movie could have been a great way for Disney to cash in on nostalgia and win back alienated audience members who are upset with its drift toward wokeness and bland, boring storylines.
Instead, the movie appeared as woke as Disney’s recent film flops, and the actress who plays Snow White in the reboot, Rachel Zegler, didn’t help matters by bad-mouthing the original story and hinting that the new one would be given a much more feminist spin.
Particularly, Zegler claimed, in a video that went viral on X, “I mean, you know, the original cartoon came out in 1937 and very evidently so. There’s a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her. Weird! Weird. So we didn’t do that this time.”
She continued, “We have a different approach to, what I’m sure a lot of people will assume is a love story, just because we cast a guy in the movie, Andrew Burnap, great dude,” she continued. “It’s one of those things that I think everyone’s going to have their assumptions about what it’s going to be, but it’s really not about the love story at all, which is really, really wonderful.”
Well, following the predictable backlash from online commentators, conservative media, and some stockholders, Disney has announced the film’s opening will be postponed by a year. Some speculate, based on a new promotional image put out about the movie, that some of its woke elements are being stripped in the interim.
Disney announced the delay by saying, “Disney’s Snow White—a live-action musical reimagining of the classic 1937 film—is coming to theaters on March 21, 2025. The film — which stars Rachel Zegler — invites audiences back into the magical world of Snow White with beloved songs and recognizable characters such as the Evil Queen and, of course, Dopey, Grumpy, Sneezy, Bashful, Happy, Sleepy and Doc.” That’s nearly a full year after the originally planned release date of March 22, 2024.
The Hollywood Reporter, for its part, suggested that the delay is due to the SAG-AFTRA strike, reporting, “The calendar shifts come as the actors strike has stretched past 100 days. Earlier this week, Disney’s Bob Iger and other Hollywood CEOs told SAG-AFTRA that the deadline is all but upon them in terms of having to decide which films to push if the two sides can’t come to a resolution. Multiple sources say that deadline is the first week of November, if not Nov 1.” That report continued, “Expect more release date changes in the coming days should the strike talks fall apart, and particularly regarding 2024 summer movies.”
Some on X, however, suggested that the delay has to do with Disney wanting to edit out some of the woker aspects of the film that led to outrage, such as the seven dwarves not being dwarves. One such commentator, John Hasson, said, “1. Disney debutes “woke” Seven Dwarves 2. Disney announces it will delay Snow White until 2025 3. Disney switches to classic Seven Dwarves.”
1. Disney debutes “woke” Seven Dwarves
2. Disney announces it will delay Snow White until 2025
3. Disney switches to classic Seven Dwarves pic.twitter.com/CQfx0LnjHm
— John Hasson (@SonofHas) October 27, 2023
Similarly, Ian Miles Cheong explained the alleged dwarves change in a post on the subject, saying, “Disney has almost completely rewritten its live-action Snow White film, with extensive reshoots. The movie has been delayed by a full year from March 22, 2024 to March 21, 2025. Among the things that ended up on the cutting room floor are the “diverse” dwarves, replaced now with CGI dwarves that look close to the original cartoon. They de-wokified the movie in response to the massive uproar over Kathleen Kennedy’s apparent commitment to DEI and ruination of existing licenses, which caused the company’s stocks to plummet.”
Disney has almost completely rewritten its live-action Snow White film, with extensive reshoots. The movie has been delayed by a full year from March 22, 2024 to March 21, 2025. Among the things that ended up on the cutting room floor are the “diverse” dwarves, replaced now with… pic.twitter.com/ykH4zAajvY
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 27, 2023
It is unclear, however, if the dwarves were just CGI for a promotional image or if Disney is actually changing the film to include them, with it also being unclear if any other aspects of the movie could or would be changed to appease outraged fans.
Featured image credit: By Walt Disney Productions – This image is a screenshot made by myself from a public domain movie trailer. Trailers for movies released before 1964 are in the public domain because they were never separately copyrighted., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=459799
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