Tulsi Gabbard, the former Congresswoman from Hawaii that just announced that she is leaving the Democratic Party for, among other reasons, the anti-white racism pushed by it, is back to taking a hammer to liberal shibboleths on Twitter.
This time, it’s gun control that’s in her sights, so she demolished the idea that disarming law-abiding Americans would be at all useful, saying instead that we need to take criminals off the streets.
Most gun-related crimes are committed by criminals using stolen guns, so taking guns away from law-abiding Americans is useless. To make our streets safer, we must enforce existing gun laws and get repeat criminals off our streets with stiff penalties for crimes involving guns
She also included a link to a video in which she discusses the 2nd Amendment and its importance:
— Tulsi Gabbard
(@TulsiGabbard) November 3, 2022
This is something of a change in stance for the former Congresswoman, who tweeted back in 2018:
The stakes are too high to allow politics to get in the way of Congress taking action to pass common sense gun safety legislation. I’ve cosponsored bills to close the gun show loophole, ban assault weapons, require background checks on anyone seeking to purchase a gun & more
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However, it’s more in line with the general message she has been pushing recently, such as when she appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program and described the Democrats as fanatical ideologues that hate the Constitution and freedom, saying:
“I’ve always been an independent-minded person. A Democrat, yes, but an independent Democrat. And my loyalties are very clear: I love our country. And I took an oath both as a service member, as a soldier, as well as a member of Congress, to support and defend the Constitution. And that’s an oath that I take extremely seriously.
“And so when you look at this party, the today’s Democratic Party, it’s controlled by fanatical ideologues who hate freedom. They despise the Constitution. They actively find ways to undermine our God given rights enshrined in the Constitution, like freedom of speech, if you say something and I say something that they don’t like.”
“[T]he whole environment of fear that those in power, these elitists in power, have fomented to where people are afraid to speak the truth. They’re afraid to exercise their right to free speech because, hey, you might lose your job, you might be canceled, you might be trashed. And God forbid, in Washington, you might not be invited to the cool kids parties.”
“[W]hat it comes down to is rather than taking a stand for peace, for prosperity, security and freedom of the American people, we have too many people in Washington who are warmongers subservient to the military industrial complex and continuing to put their own selfish interests or the interests of their donors first with no mind for the costs and consequence that their decisions have on the American people.”
“They are against freedom of religion. They are hostile towards people of faith. People who have their own spiritual practice, especially Christians, finding ways to be vindictive, to discriminate, to punish people who happen to exercise that freedom of religion. The list goes on and on, but the foundation of freedom is really what was at the heart of my making this decision that I cannot be a member of a party that is against freedom and actively trying to undermine it.”
So Tulsi’s done with that and now is standing up for gun rights and our other God-given freedoms, rather than staying in the Democrat camp and relentlessly assaulting those freedoms.