As the 2024 election draws closer, Joe Biden’s physical and mental health have become an increasingly important question for American voters. As a Fox News poll points out, over 60 percent of participants do not feel President Biden has the necessary mental faculties to carry out his duties in the executive branch.
Recently, a young Democrat voter explained that he favors former President Donald Trump over Biden after a continual lack of accountability toward incompetence in the present administration. “I’ve seen no form of accountability in this administration. I think this is what’s going to change my vote from formerly Joe Biden to Donald Trump,” 21-year-old Jahmiel Jackson said.
Jackson expressed concerns about Biden bringing us into full-blown war, where young people such as himself could be drafted and potentially face death. The young Democrat felt Biden would not serve as a competent commander-in-chief in such a scenario.
“I have seen the pullout of Afghanistan from Joe Biden. And then I watched him check his watch during the funeral of the servicemen. And I think if we were to go to a war, I’m prime age be drafted. And I don’t want him to check his watch while they’re burying me. I don’t believe that he’s a competent commander-in-chief. And then he’d probably blame my death on climate change in the same way he blamed the pullout in Afghanistan on Donald Trump,” he continued.
Sharing a similar sentiment, Stacey Fox, a Republican, said Americans should prioritize voting for someone capable of making decisions and sticking with them. When Fox News asked who would be capable of proper decision-making, Fox adamantly claimed Joe Biden was not cut out for the job.
“Joe Biden can’t do that. I think Donald Trump, put him with a really strong vice president, will make those decisions, will pull our country out of the dumps that we’re moving into. And I’m really afraid for it if it doesn’t change,” Fox said.
Campus Reform correspondent Kristen Jackson spoke about her desire for a president who “gets the job done.” She discussed how this requirement is paramount to all other issues people could vote on
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“I prefer someone who gets the job done. I think we get into the identity politics of younger versus older race and all of that, and I don’t think that matters. I think if you’re competent enough to do the job and do it well and do it honestly, I strongly consider voting for you as a candidate to be the President of the United States,” Jackson stated.
Another Campus Reform correspondent, Marya Dunning, called out Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s seeming inability to speak coherently. One would think the leaders of the free world would have the utmost articulate speaking abilities. “I think that the way to get young voters is definitely not to tell us that we’re stupid. And especially with Biden being unable to string a sentence together and Kamala barely being able to herself, it’s just an insult.” It will be interesting to continuously observe the dialogue surrounding Joe Biden’s age as we approach the election.