If people haven’t figured out that AOC is a political hack, I am not sure what will change their minds. Maybe this video? Channeling her inner Hillary Clinton circa 2007, AOC got in front of a black audience at a recent speaking appearance for Al Sharpton’s National Action Network and went full preacher mode, replete with the drawl, twang, and unmistakable cadence of someone decidedly not New York Puertorican.
In the video, she hit back at criticism of her past as a bartender. Beginning, she said, “I’m proud to be a bartender. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with working retail folding clothes for other people to buy.”
Continuing, she aded, “There is nothing wrong with preparing the food that your neighbors will eat. There is nothing wrong with driving the buses that take your family to work. There is nothing wrong with being a working person in the United States of America. And there is everything dignified about it.”
While her argument was one that many on the right and left, particularly populists, would agreee, AOC was torched for it by those who found her imitation of a” black southern preacher” inappropriate. Following the incident, the conservative media outlet The Washington Examiner posted an article with the headline, “Ocasio-Cortez adopts Southern drawl to talk to black audience.” That infuriated AOC, who fired back on Twitter, saying, “Folks talking about my voice can step right off.”
Adding to that, she defended her mimicry by saying, “Any kid who grew up in a distinct linguistic culture & had to learn to navigate class enviros at school/work knows what’s up. My Spanish is the same way.” Then, in a separate tweet, she said, “As much as the right wants to distort & deflect, I am from the Bronx. I act & talk like it, *especially* when I’m fired up and especially when I’m home. It is so hurtful to see how every aspect of my life is weaponized against me, yet somehow asserted as false at the same time.”
In any case, watch AOC’s black preacher impression here:
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And as mentioned, this episode harkens all to easily to the outlandish performance by perennial presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2007, who was competing for the black vote against Barack Obama in the Democrat primaries. That led to Hillary, imitating a black preacher, saying: “I don’t feel no ways tired. I’ve come too far. From where I started from, nobody told me that the road would be easy. I don’t believe he brought me this far to leave me.”
Watch that here:
In a similar incident to the “black southern preacher” one, AOC the Democrat diva, when getting heckled mercilessly by her constituents, danced like a child before getting back on the mic and embodying some kind Latin King.