Don’t mess with Texas. Or mama bears in Texas. Or armed teenagers in Texas who just want to be left alone in their homes. Messing with any of the above is likely to end…messily, for you and your compatriots.
Such is what a trio of burglars found out when they tried breaking into and robbing a home in Harris County, Texas, and found themselves staring down the barrel of a locked and loaded shotgun, with which the teenaged defender of the castle blasted two away and sent the third running for his life.
Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez is asking anyone with information to come forward with information about that escaped third member of the crime-minded trio.
He doesn’t have to ask for information on the other two because when EMS arrived, they were already stone cold, having been introduced to the afterlife and eternal torment by the locked and loaded teenager. They were pronounced dead at that location.
Fox News Online, reporting on what the police determined happened that led to the shooting to death of the two criminals and scaring off of the third, reported that:
The investigators determined both victims and a third unidentified male, while armed and wearing masks, had attempted to break into a home occupied by an adult female, a 12-year-old boy and two 17-year-old boys.
One of the 17-year-olds retrieved a shotgun and discharged it several times, striking two suspects.
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Good thing for those other two teens that one was quick-thinking enough to grab a gun and start blasting away at the criminal elements attempting to break into his house! Without that thoughtfulness and marksmanship, who knows what horrors would have followed when the criminals got their hands on the innocent family?
Sheriff Gonzalez tweeted out details of the incident in a Twitter thread, describing what happened and what the future holds for those involved. In his words (formatting changed somewhat to make the thread more readable):
Last night in Channelview at the 16000 blk of First Street, three adult males attempted to force entry into a home. The males were armed and wearing masks. The home was occupied by an adult female, 12-yr-old male, and two 17-yr-old males.
One of the 17-yr-old male occupants retrieved a shotgun and discharged it several times striking two of the suspects. Both males were pronounced deceased at the scene. The 3rd suspect fled in a dark colored, 4-door sedan. There were no other reported injuries. The case will be presented to a grand jury.
The investigation is on-going and anyone with information is urged to contact the HCSO Homicide Unit at 713-274-9100. #HouNews
What’s bizarre is that the case is going to a grand jury. Why? The lawbreakers broke into the house, intending to do God knows what, and got their just due. Why must that go to a grand jury at all?
But, other than that, good for the teen. He likely saved his family from the predations of that burglar trio!
By: Gen Z Conservative