Court documents recently unsealed by conservative activist organization, Judicial Watch, have resurfaced the corruption within the IRS during the days of the Obama administration.
President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, recently appeared on Newsmax to cover the story. Watch it below.
The obtained documents that are being discussed are the unsealed deposition transcripts of Internal Revenue Service employees, Lois Lerner and Holly Paz.
These individuals were responsible for approving the applications for the non-profit, tax exempt status of various Tea Party organizations. However, there is evidence that they knowingly “suppressed, stonewalled, and stalled” the Tea Party applications on the basis of their political leanings, despite knowing that they were legally entitled to non-profit status.
In the video below, Fitton goes in to more detail regarding this evidence from the depositions. Judicial Watch even proclaims Obama to be “the most corrupt president in American history” in the title of the tweet, based on the actions of the federal government under his leadership.
.@TomFitton: Obama IRS abuse shows why Obama is the most corrupt president in American history. New court documents show IRS can't be trusted and remains a threat to First Amendment!
— Judicial Watch ⚖️ (@JudicialWatch) October 31, 2022
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The Tea Party became prominent in 2009 as a conservative movement to contradict the Obama administration. They stood for fiscally conservative ideals such as lowering taxes, decreased government spending, lowering the federal budget, etc.
Fitton describes a 2010 Supreme Court Decision, Citizens United vs. FEC, which allowed for greater citizen participation in the political process under the First Amendment, which allowed the Tea Party to become influential.
Fitton states, “The left obviously doesn’t like that…and so not being able to get the feds by law to restrict free speech, they used the IRS as a backdoor way to suppress these groups that were trying to assert their First Amendment rights.”
Judicial Watch alleges that the political activism from the Tea Party led to a massive midterm win for Republicans in 2010 and this prompted the government to hinder their influence.
“You may remember that the Tea Party emerged around the beginning of the Obama administration and their activism which was anti-government spending, generally opposed to Obama administration policies, helped result in a big win for Republicans in 2010,” Fitton stated, “So what happened to the movement in 2012? Well it was suppressed by the IRS.”
Tom then discusses evidence of this from Holly Paz’s testimony that indicates the IRS knew they would not have a justified basis for denying these organizations the status they were applying for. In her testimony she stated, “We would not have enough basis to make a determination that that would be their primary activity and deny them exempt status.”
Not having a basis to outright deny them non-profit status, Judicial Watch then alleges, “They stalled, delayed, and stonewalled and harassed them.”
The fact that this has not been prosecuted is concerning as many feel there aren’t sufficient checks on the federal government and they are becoming increasingly corrupt.
All of this while Joe Biden has expanded the IRS, adding 87,000 new agents with some of them even carrying firearms. If they suppressed the Tea Party to the extent they did 10 years ago, what could that look like now that we are more polarized than ever.
-Macro Conservative