According to a recent report on US military strength and the challenges it faces that Fox News obtained, Team Biden’s extensive DEI initiatives and focus on some elements of elements of critical race theory and gender identity within the military have significantly weakened the U.S. military, putting our national security at risk.
Fox News, reporting on the study and report, claims that the report states:
The United States and the world are better off because of these brave men and women. Unfortunately, President Joe Biden and his administration are weakening America’s warfighters through a sustained assault fueled by woke virtue signaling.
“Our military’s singular purpose is to ‘provide for the common defense’ of our nation. It cannot be turned into a left-wing social experiment. It cannot be used as a cudgel against America itself. And it cannot be paralyzed by fear of offending the sensibilities of Ivy League faculty lounges or progressive pundits.
“The world is a dangerous place, and the Biden administration’s insanity is eroding our greatest source of security in it.”
The report then goes on to rip into various “woke” policies of the military, including CRT in the service academies and the military’s allowance of gender reassignment surgeries.
Introducing the service academy problem, for example, the authors claim that “The Biden Administration wants to indoctrinate a new generation of military leadership at the U.S. Service Academies with Critical Race Theory (CRT).” They then go on to give examples that they argue prove that claim, such as “An admiral told midshipmen at the Naval Academy that they need to read How to Be an Antiracist – a book that teaches that “the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination,” that capitalism is racist, and that people by virtue of their race are inherently oppressive or privileged while others are inherently victimized or oppressed.”
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Giving another example of the CRT issue, the authors bring up General Milley’s congressional testimony, saying “The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff defended teaching CRT at U.S. Service Academies and testified to Congress about his desire to understand “white rage.” He argued that American taxpayer money should be spent to ensure cadets and midshipmen learn what “caused thousands of people to assault [the
Capitol] Building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States.” The Biden Administration is choosing to focus on and fund the study of racial extremism even when – as the CEAWG showed – it is a virtual non-issue in the military.”
Writing on the gender reassignment surgery issue, the authors say:
Our military has – or at least, historically has had – rigorous and robust medical requirements and restrictions on who can and cannot serve. It is just common sense that those who may be on the front line need to be incredibly fit and cannot afford to be hampered by an extended absence of prescription medicine.
People cannot even enlist with Invisalign or braces until they are removed. And yet, today’s woke military is now proudly promoting and celebrating sex reassignment procedures, which can have months-long recovery periods, with complete recovery taking “up to one year” for some procedures.
Discussing Team Biden’s involvement in that issue, the report’s authors also state:
This instruction allows members of each service to “transition” while on active duty, including “gender reassignment surgery.” Once a person completes the gender transition, his or her marker in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) will be changed to the gender of his or her choosing. This will allow the person to use bathroom and shower facilities of his or her chosen gender.
Services are now requiring their members to receive training on the transgender service policy, including advice on how to use pronouns properly and when to recommend their subordinates consider gender reassignment surgery. These policies are purported to make our armed forces more inclusive and compassionate, but they are harmful to the people they claim to help and are sapping our combat
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who coauthored the report with Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, discussed the report and its findings with Fox News Digitial, saying:
“Rather than making the case for American greatness and protecting our nation, the military is parroting woke nonsense. It’s dumb, it doesn’t work, and it’s dangerous. We need to spend more time thinking about how to counter Chinese aircraft carriers and less time thinking about pronouns.”