The trailer for Marvel’s new movie, “The Marvels,” is not getting a good reception from the internet. In fact, it’s receiving a record number of dislikes from people on YouTube. Predictably, the very woke movie industry isn’t blaming Marvel for producing a terrible trailer for a movie that looks woke and laughably bad, but is instead blaming “sexism.”
Though YouTube has hidden the total number of dislikes on videos, than can be viewed with a browser plugin. And the total number of dislikes on the trailer for “The Marvels”? Nearly 700,000. Here’s the trailer that people were disliking:
So people thought that that was terrible. The main gimmick of the trailer, the “heroes” switching powers, is dumb. Woke Disney made it. The main characters were obviously chosen for their skin color and sexual organs, not talent. Ideology aside, it’s just bad. Add a conservative worldview back into the mix and its even worse. People watching it got that, hence the dislikes.
But were woke Hollywood and its industry journals willing to accept that? Nope. Instead, they blamed “hate” and the like. Screen Rant, for example, suggested as to suggest bots are being used. Here that is [emphasis ours]:
In terms of how such hate campaigns can manifest, one part is rallying their supporters to dislike and review bomb the projects they wish to attack in an effort to prove their minority is actually in the majority…
It’s possible these campaigns employ bots to help rack up the numbers of dislikes and negative reviews, or that some folks are doing it to be trolls. But, there are very real issues of racism and misogyny that pervade society. As such, it’s incredibly likely there is a large number of people who take issue with The Marvels trailer simply because it’s led by a white woman, a Black woman and a young Pakistani-Canadian woman.
Uproxx was similarly unwilling to accept that maybe people just didn’t like the trailer, with its title for its article on the situation being, “‘The Marvels’ Trailer Is Being Dislike-Bombed By Grudge-Holding Trolls, Long After They Review-Bombed ‘Captain Marvel’ Without Watching It”
Breitbart’s John Nolte, commenting both on the trailer itself being bad and the media forming a wall behind bad movies and trailers with the right affirmative action characteristics, said:
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I can’t stand Captain Marvel. She’s a humorless, uptight prig who can do anything. A superhero without weaknesses is boring. Superman’s weaknesses are what make him a great character. There’s kryptonite, his inability to see through lead. Better still, his enemies can even use his humanity against him. But whatever Captain Marvel needs to do, she can do—cuz vagina.
Anyway, as we all now know, the entire entertainment media is geared to protect these affirmative-action films. Therefore, anything directed by a chick and/or starring chicks can never be anything but a masterpiece. And anyone who criticizes anything made by or starring girls (or racial minorities or homosexuals) can only be some variation of an “-ist” or a “-phobe.”