If you either missed the Indie Spirit Awards or have no idea what they are, you aren’t alone. In yet another clear sign that America’s patience with woke Hollywood is wearing thin, the awards, which cater to Indie films, only managed 46,000 viewers on YouTube. The broadcast was removed from television due to low ratings and flagging viewer interest, and YouTube didn’t prove to be any better.
Award shows, now more than ever, appear to be a dinosaur best left in the past. The heydey of the genre, the 1970s and 1980s, provided fans with a chance to get a rare glimpse of their favorite celebrities drinking, smoking, and carousing in a festive, party-like atmosphere.
Unfortunately, the programs have morphed into cringeworthy political statements from celebrities who have no idea how real America lives. The self-congratulatory air of most awards programs has worn completely thin, and the sinking rating of nearly every show in the genre is proof.
Part of the issue with the Spirit Awards is the content. Indie films used to be some of the best, most daring offerings coming out of Hollywood. Breitbart’s John Nolte listed past Indie gems, “Reservoir Dogs (1992), Clerks (1994), Slacker (1990), Roger and Me(1989), Blood Simple (1987), She’s Gotta Have It (1986), Evil Dead II (1987), Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989), Memento (2000), Happiness (1998), Swingers (1996), The Bad Lieutenant (1992), In the Company of Men (1997).”
Those are movies that even the most casual fan is likely familiar with, but the same can’t be said of the last several years. Nolte goes on to label today’s Indie flicks as “naked conformity, predictable, trite, simple-minded, shallow, smug, and politically driven.” Indeed, politics and woke themes have turned off many moviegoers, and the sad state of the box office reflects it.
World of Reel laid bare the issues with the broadcast when they wrote, “The awards were gender-free, which meant there was only one award in each category — I still don’t get how this benefits anyone other than just to virtue signal.” The outlet continued, “Other than that, you didn’t miss much. Apparently, Zoe Lister Jones came out, she now likes women (“I’m here and I’m queer”). Nick Offerman condemned the “homophobic” reaction to “The Last of Us.” Host Aidy Bryant (who?) warned the audience about AI. Oh, and the ceremony was momentarily disrupted by pro-Palestine protestors.”
The Spirit Awards, in perhaps the most shallow, blatant case of virtue signaling, made the awards “gender neutral.” This meant only one actor in each category could win. Instead of female and male categories, the few viewers that tuned in were treated to half of the awards. Perhaps the most telling part of the evening was Nick Offerman from “The Last of Us” going out of his way to criticize and call homophobic anyone who saw no real value in adding a random gay love story to the zombie show. Such is Hollywood in 2024.
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It is painfully apparent that Hollywood is collapsing under the weight of wokeness and its own misplaced sense of self-importance. Do fans really care if their favorite actress likes women? Perhaps viewership of awards shows like this will convey the message that it is a resounding “no.” Or maybe not, and Hollywood will continue to fade away. Pretty soon, will anyone care?