The CMT Awards were handed out on Sunday, and somehow the night ended without a single victory for country star Morgan Wallen. Wallen’s constant chart-topping and record-breaking were not enough to secure an award at the show meant to celebrate the most successful artists in country music.
Following a PR nightmare where Wallen was caught on video uttering the “n-word” after a night out with some of his closest friends, it seems that plenty of folks in the entertainment industry are unwilling to forgive him regardless of any apologies or steps that were taken to assuage the hate. While some were keen to cancel Wallen for a word that he said jokingly in conversation with a close friend, the CMTs basically pretended that he didn’t exist. Wallen was only nominated for two awards, winning neither, even after a record-setting year, according to Billboard. As The American Tribune wrote, country music fans were not so disgusted by Wallen and continued to stream his music:
“Country music fans like what they like, and they liked Morgan Wallen. His sales went through the roof, and since ultimately it’s all about the money and not really the virtue, his label and country radio took him back with open arms, much to the pearl clutching and salty tears of leftists everywhere. Now, with his latest album being a gargantuan, 36 song success, his latest number one, “Last Night” has prompted lefties in the media to take aim once again and attempt to downplay Wallen’s success.”
Wallen, for his part, went on an apology tour where he donated to organizations that fought against racism and went out of his way to learn more about why people were upset at what he said. Even after all of that, the media still cannot stand to allow him to win awards. No amount of apology and reparation has freed Wallen of the ire of the woke left. When he said something wrong for the first time, they decided it should define his career. For those unfamiliar with Wallen’s huge success this year, he has held the number one spot on the United States charts with his new album One Thing at a Time.
His hit single Last Night, which is featured on the album, was also beloved by fans, who made it become the top song in country music for three weeks, according to Billboard. Wallen is a perfect case study of the importance of talent in the music industry. As long as the music is good, people will continue to listen, and no amount of bashing and hatred from media outlets and woke Internet personalities will change that.
While Wallen went home empty handed at last weekend’s CMTs, he may have won the war by showing the woke bias that has infiltrated the music award. For the show to not recognize one of the top artists of the year in order to try to cancel him, is to alienate an entire sect of the country music fanbase. Many fans will not be taking that offense lightly.