Some incidents might seem minor and unworthy of further attention at first glance, but upon closer inspection are important in that they show the direction in which society appears to be headed. Such is the case with another video of airline passengers melting down that has emerged, this one of a woman on an unknown flight going ballistic over a reclining seat.
More specifically, the footage shows the unidentified woman screaming at another passenger, accusing that fellow flier of trying to push her seat upright throughout the flight, something which she apparently found infuriating and extremely objectionable.
“The whole trip she pushin’ my seat!” the woman can be heard exclaiming in a thick Southern accent. Her screaming appears to be directed at the couple sitting in the row behind her, with those passengers putting up their hands to defend their actions.
“Both of y’all was doing the same thing,” the man from the row behind tried to tell the woman doing the yelling. That pushed her over the brink. Filled with fury, she jumped to her feet and spewed hatred at the alleged seat-pusher, pounding her chest and shouting, “No, you seen it! You know she did! I’m allowed to put my seat back! I’m allowed to put my seat back!” She then roars, “I’m allowed. To. Put. My. Seat. Back!”
Watch the video here:
The New York Post reports that, as could be expected, the viral video set off a fight on Twitter. One quoted commenter said, “It can be annoying sometimes to be behind someone with their seat all the way, but if the airlines didn’t want to allow that, it wouldn’t happen. You don’t kick the seat like a baby. Blame the airline, not the person doing what the airline says is fine.” Another noted that airlines should make the seats non-adjustable if people aren’t meant to be adjusting them, saying, “I mean if she wasn’t allowed to put her seat back then why was the seat adjustable??”
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On the other side, another commenter argued, “Putting your seat back in coach is an unspoken thing most people don’t do. It’s really the airlines’ fault because they’ve made coach so cramped and tight that putting the seat back shouldn’t even be an option.”
While the video is somewhat entertaining, it’s also quite sad in that it shows how far American society has declined. Whereas planes once were regarded as a classy form of travel and people dressed nicely on them to put their best foot forward, now passengers are screaming at each other in public over using the reclining feature of seats.
Relatedly, both kicking a seat or trying to push it up and leaning a seat back into someone are incredibly rude, and the lack of recognition from either party that their conduct might have been reasonably objectionable to the other party is evidence of the steady, sad decline of civil society in America.
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video