Devon Mostert, the wife of Miami Dolphins star Raheem Mostert, recently clapped back at ABC’s “The View” over comments made about female Trump supporters. Shortly after the election, the panelists on the daytime talk show were diagnosing what went wrong with former Vice President Kamala Harris’ failed campaign, concluding that “uneducated white women” were a part of the problem.
For context, co-host Sunny Hostin said during a November 6 broadcast of the show, “I think [Trump’s victory] had nothing to do with policy, I think this was a referendum on cultural resentment in this country.” Then, slamming “uneducated white women” for voting red, she added, “Black women tried to save this country again, last night… what we do not have is white women, who voted about 52 percent for Donald Trump — uneducated white women is my understanding. You have Latino men actually, voting more for him.”
Hostin, who, like the rest of the panel, was dressed in funeral black mourning the election results, wondered why any woman would not be a single-issue voter for abortion. She asked ABC political news director, Rick Klein, “So why do you think uneducated white women voting against their reproductive health freedoms, and why do you think Latino men voted in favor of someone who is going to deport a majority of his community.”
Following Hostin’s remarks, Devon took to Instagram, where she posted a story criticizing Hostin’s sentiment. Identifying as an “uneducated White woman,” Mostert argued, “Sunny, I GUARANTEE I can school you on any given political topic on any given day.” She noted that if the “role was flipped,” there would be “outrage,” highlighting the apparent double standard that exists when discussing demographics.
“Racism goes all kinda ways. And ALL WAYS are disgusting and unacceptable,” Mostert emphasized. The NFL wife explained that she has faced “racial comments” stemming from her interracial relationship with the Dolphins running back. “Nasty people will be nasty people. No matter what skin color. You either want a better world or you don’t. To make DIVISIVE, racist comments, but are upset racism still exists… isn’t that hypocrisy at its finest??! Do better,” she said.
President Trump beat many expectations with the female vote, considering Democrats were anticipating a significant swing in women who theoretically would have been compelled to vote blue over abortion. However, the statistics told a different story. While Harris did win the female vote by a margin of roughly 10 points, Trump improved with the gender compared to the past two elections.
In 2024, Trump won 45% of the female vote, in line with the 2020 election, in which Joe Biden won the demographic by 11 points. Furthermore, this is a noticeable improvement from the 2016 election, in which Trump took 41% of the female vote. In 2024, the majority of White women, 52%, and over one in three Hispanic women voted for Trump. Digging deeper, Trump also won the majority of married women voters.
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Watch the clip of Hostin referenced by Devon Mostert here:
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