Recently, Whoopi Goldberg, the washed-up American actress and television personality, made headlines for using the term ‘gypped’ on ‘The View.’ Her use of the term sparked controversy and backlash from woke viewers, who declared that the term is a “racial slur” often used against the “Romani community. ” In other words: they were looking for something to be offended by and found it.
As a result, Goldberg then had to issue a public apology in the form of a video message, expressing regret for the “insensitive” remark. Fox News reports:
“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg taped an apology video on Wednesday for using the word “gypped” during the show, saying she should have used another term.
Goldberg and her fellow co-hosts were discussing possible criminal charges against former President Donald Trump in the alleged hush money scandal involving Stormy Daniels.
“You know when you’re a certain age you use words that you know from when you’re a kid or you remember saying, and that’s what I did today and I shouldn’t have, I should have thought about it a little longer before I said it. But I didn’t and I should have said ‘cheated,’ but I used another word and I’m really, really sorry,” Goldberg said in the video.
In the video, Goldberg acknowledged that she had used the term ‘gypped’ in a recent episode of ‘The View’ and that she had received a lot of feedback from viewers pointing out that the term is derogatory and offensive. She went on to explain that she had no idea that the term was considered a slur, and that she had used it in ignorance.
A message from Whoopi Goldberg regarding today's episode of #TheView.
— The View (@TheView) March 15, 2023
Goldberg then apologized to the Romani community, all five of them, and anyone else who had been offended by her use of the term. Of course, anyone watching The View knows that Goldberg is likely to say something stupid at any given moment, but the wokies need their daily outrage and found it in that comment. Fox News continued:
Goldberg used the word “gypped” while discussing the Daniels case. It’s a longtime slang term for being cheated or swindled, but is viewed as a slur by some because of its association with “Gypsies.”
“The people who still believe that he got, you know, gypped somehow, will still believe that he cared enough… about his wife to pay that money from his personal thing. I just don’t understand. If that was the case, then why all the subterfuge? Why is Michael Cohen paying for it?” Goldberg said.
However, after her much-ballyhooed Holocaust remarks and her suspension after doubling down on them, one has to wonder if Whoopi has learned anything. Her audience is composed almost entirely of psychotic cat women, the sort likely to get offended by anything because being offended gives them power. So, you’d think she’d shy away from saying things that get such people mad. Apparently not.