Speaking to Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday, June 24, far-left MSNBC personality Mika Brzezinski questioned the Vice President about the shockingly close polling between current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, asking the current Vice President how this could be “going on” as Kamala tried to boost President Biden.
As background, even polling favorable to Biden has shown the race to be neck in neck, with some polls even showing Trump numerous points ahead. That comes both as Biden loses support among traditionally near-entirely Democrat voting blocks like black voters and as things that are unfavorable to the president’s reelection chances, like his age and seeming senility, muscle their way into the news cycle.
VP Harris, in any case, was speaking to Brzezinski about President Biden as opposed to Trumo and why she thinks Americans should support Biden. She said, “I think that the debate is going to make clear the contrast between our president, the current president, who works on behalf of the American people, fights for the American people, and the former president who pretty much spends full time fighting for himself.”
Brzezinski, pushing back and seemingly freaking out a bit, demanded VP Harris say why the polling results between Biden and Trump are still so close if the choice between them is, as Harris alleges, so clearly in favor of Biden. She asked, “If the contrast is so obvious, what’s going on? Why does it poll so closely? Why is the race so close?”
VP Harris attempted to respond with the usual sort of “all will be well” hand wave, saying, “These races are always close. It’s the election of the president of the United States. And everyone in an election for president of the United States will critically examine all of the issues and make a decision, but at the end of the day we’re going to win.”
Brzezinski then seemingly tried to press upon VP Harris the importance of the upcoming debate, saying, “President Biden and you have both warned that democracy is at stake in this election. That if Trump wins a second term, women’s rights will continue to be decimated. That international alliances will be frayed — that’s to say the least — that your work rebuilding the middle class will be destroyed, that rights for minorities will be rolled back.”
VP Harris again did a hand wave, saying that Biden would do fabulously. In her words: “Joe Biden and this debate will make clear the contrast. There are many issues in our country and in our world that are complex and nuanced: November of 2024 is binary. And when you look at the difference, I would ask people to really imagine what the world will be like on January 20, 2025.”
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Then, trying to snipe at Trump with a reference to his attempts to get rid of Obamacare, VP Harris said, “On the other hand, you have the former president, who spent full time when he was president trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. I could go on and on.”
Watch them here: