In yet another incident of “this guy either spent way too much time on the internet or is a hilarious troll,” a city councilman named Ryan Webb in Indiana has declared that he now identifies as a woman of color. What’s more, the media has to take him seriously, as it has swallowed the “identify as X” trend hook, line, and sinker.
It’s unclear whether Webb, a Republican, actually believes he is an Indian-American woman, if he’s just identifying as that to get the benefits of affirmative action policies, or if he is doing it to mock the whole “I identify as X” trend.
Here’s the local media reporting on the situation and somehow managing to keep a straight face:
Ryan Webb, a white councilman in Indiana, now identifies as a woman of color
The best part? The media being forced to take him seriously:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 30, 2023
As you can hear in the video, she said, “The Councilman is coming out as a transgender as transgender and a woman of color. Delaware County Councilman Ryan Webb announced that he now identifies as an Indian American woman.”
Continuing, she said that some have encouraged Webb and others have attacked him, saying, “Since that announcement he’s received some support but a lot of backlash, many calling him childish, despicable, even calling for things like execution. In a statement Webb gave to it made he says, quote, ‘It is unfortunate that I cannot simply be given the same space and respect to explore my identity that so many of those targeting meet demand for themselves. It’s possible I may change my mind down the road. The process of identity exploration is complex and oftentimes at the end of our personal journey, we end right back where we started.'”
Webb’s full statement, as given to WISHTV’s I-Team 8, was:
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“Our family has been receiving violent threats throughout the day from intolerant liberals who refuse to accept my decision to live my life however I choose. I don’t really see how an interview will improve the situation.
“It is unfortunate, but a group called Indiana Progressives has decided to organize a hate and harassment campaign against me and my family by publishing my address and encouraging people to unlawfully congregate at my home. You can read their comments on my public post. I have to look out for the safety of my family, including our 6 children. There are people with serious mental health issues encouraging people who are unwelcome to come to my home, so I think it’s best to politely decline your on-camera interview.
“It is unfortunate that I cannot simply be given the same space and respect to explore my identity that so many of those targeting me demand for themselves. I have announced my position and that has not changed. I do not need anyone to approve or validate who I am for me to live my life the way I choose. I don’t feel like an on-camera interview is necessary or warranted. I’m simply living my life without concern for what others may think about my own personal decisions.
“I have recently decided to live my life however I choose to identify which happens to be as a woman of color. My American Indian heritage is not up for debate, although many would like it to be. It’s possible I may change my mind down the road. The process of identity exploration is complex and often times at the end of our personal journey we end right back where we started.
“I hope that in the future those asking for tolerance and understanding are willing to give it in return and not just to those who they feel is worthy of it. Nobody has the authority to validate or invalidate any individual who chooses to identify a certain way.”
Webb originally announced his new identity on Facebook, saying: