Recently, Tucker Carlson expressed serious concern about the possibility of Donald Trump being assassinated for his political ambitions. “We’re speeding toward assassination,” Carlson claimed in an interview with conservative podcast host Adam Carolla.
Carlson justifies his claim by pointing out that “permanent Washington,” essentially a term he uses when referring to the Swamp in D.C., has consistently tried to derail Trump to no avail. Former President Trump has been impeached twice, indicted four times, and faced infinite political opposition in other areas.
However, none of the efforts have proven successful, and, as Tucker points out, Trump only seems to get more popular the more they try to take him down. Since the political establishment is exhausting its means to prevent Trump from attaining office again, Carlson fears assassination will soon be on the table.
“I mean, look: They protested him, they called him names, he won anyway. They impeached him — twice, on ridiculous pretenses. They fabricated a lot about what happened on Jan. 6 in order to impeach him again. It didn’t work. He came back, then they indicted him. It didn’t work, he became more popular. Then they indicted him three more times, and every single time his popularity rose,” Carlson said. “So if you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment, and none of them work — what’s next? I mean, graph it out, man! We’re speeding toward assassination, obviously. And no one will say that, but I don’t know how you can’t reach that conclusion.”
Carlson further claims that Trump poses a serious threat to the existence of “permanent Washington.” He points out that the former president is basically being put on trial for “complaining” about the results of the 2020 election.
“They have decided, permanent Washington, both parties have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them that they just can’t have it,” he said. “I mean, they’re putting him on trial in March of next year in the J-6 case, which basically consists of trying to send him to prison for the rest of his life for complaining about the last election. That’s literally what it is.”
Tucker believes that the federal government’s actions are so corrupt and illegitimate that if this were happening in another nation, we would blatantly recognize it. He even alleged that the CIA could be an “illegitimate criminal organization.” Carlson gives a bleak outlook for the future of the American government, stating he is more worried about this than anything else.
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“Again, if this were happening in Moldova, the state department would issue an all-hands-on-deck order to let the world know this is not a legitimate government. And yet our government is doing it. It’s really, it’s hard to overstate how bad this is, and I’m not, I don’t know where it’s going, but there’s a collision that’s clearly imminent. I’ve never been this worried about anything as I am about where this is going.”
Note: Featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.