President-elect Donald Trump’s 17-year-old granddaughter, Kai Trump, recently set the internet ablaze with her own interpretation of her grandfather’s signature dance move. In the weeks after the former president’s landslide defeat against Vice President Kamala Harris, the Trump dance has spread throughout mainstream culture, with various celebrities and professional athletes imitating the dance.
Footage has gone viral on social media showing Kai and a friend of hers busting out the Trump dance moves on what appears to be a private jet. As the clip quickly gained traction on the internet, users were quick to praise the jovial enthusiasm of the girls. “It’s so refreshing to see the Country having fun again. Fun and Happiness is contagious,” one person commented.
Another person said, “When I say Trump is the best president I mean he is without equal, he is a great leader who loves his people very much. He puts the interest of Americans first and make good decisions to ensure the wellness and protection of America.He is not just a leader to America but a direction to the world.Thank you Mr president the world is waiting for your return.”
The American Tribune recently reported on a heartwarming speech from Kai Trump at the Republican National Committee, where she shared details about the side of Trump, as a loving grandpa, that the rest of the country doesn’t get to see. “I’m speaking today to share the side of my grandpa that people don’t often see to me, he’s just a normal grandpa. He gets us candy and soda. He always wants to know how we’re doing in school,” she said.
Continuing, Kai shared how Trump will often check in with her during school hours to talk about golf. “He calls me during the middle of the school day to ask how my golf game is going, and tells me all about his but then I didn’t remind them that I’m in school and I’ll have to call him back later when we play golf together,” Kai shared.
The granddaughter of the incoming president also touched on Trump’s bravery in the face legal battles, where despite this, he never refrains from being an encouraging grandfather. “Even when he’s going through all of these court cases, he always asked me how I’m doing. He always encourages me to push myself to be the most successful person I can be. Obviously, he sets the bar pretty high, but who knows, maybe one day I’ll catch him on,” she continued.
At the time, the failed assassination attempt against Trump had just recently occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania. Acknowledging this, Kai said she was “shocked” when she discovered the news. “Saturday, I was shocked when I heard that he has been shot, and I just want to know if he was okay,” she said. “It was heartbreaking that someone would do that to another person. A lot of people have put my grandpa through hell, and he’s still standing.”
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Watch Kai below:
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.