In a wild moment over the Memorial Day weekend, former President Donald Trump appeared at the Libertarian Convention and dealt with the jeering libertarians at the convention, obliterating them for putting nonsense ahead of working with him to defeat the far-left in 2024 and secure notable gains for liberty with a win alongside Republicans.
That came when, amidst pervasive heckling and jeering from the crowd, Trump called them out for their dismal results at the ballot box every year, noting that they could win with him rather than losing miserably every election cycle. His clapback comments came after they jeered when he called Biden a “tyrant” and the “worst president in the history of the United States.” He also tried to praise the “fierce champions of freedom in this room,” but many jeered anyway.
So, as the insults kept getting flung, Trump fired back. Joking about their terrible results at the ballot box and using it to call into question how serious they are, Trump said, in the context of the Libertarian Party nominating him for president, “That’s nice. Only if you want to win, only if you want to win. Maybe you don’t want to win … If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your three percent every four years.”
While that was a scorcher of an insult, Trump was positive as well, saying that many libertarian-minded people vote for him and that they ought nominate him to save the country. Beginning that part of the speech, he began, “Now, I think you should nominate me, or at least vote for me, and we should win together. You heard those words: nominate or vote, vote for me.”
Continuing, he added that if liberty lovers don’t unite to save the country, then it will collapse, saying, “Because the Libertarians want to vote for me and most of them will. And it’s very important, because we have to get rid of the worst president in history. And together we will, and without it, there’s a risk that we could have four more years, we won’t have a country left.”
Then, pledging to represent libertarians in his administration, Trump said, “So, what is the purpose of the Libertarian Party getting 3%? What is the reason to take a chance of having this horrible president destroy our country, which he will do in less than four years? It’s not gonna take four years. That is why I’m committing to you tonight that I will put a Libertarian in my cabinet. And also, Libertarian in senior posts. Pretty good. That’s pretty big.”
Watch Trump here:
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Sen. Mike Lee, speaking about Trump’s speech afterward, said, “Ok, so I just finished speaking at the Libertarian Convention and then President Trump spoke right after me. This was amazing. No other president in history, to my knowledge, has ever showed up at another political party’s convention, openly asked for their endorsement, and just really hit the ground running. Well done, President Trump. I think you won the hearts and minds of a whole lot of Libertarians out there and a whole lot of other Americans.”
Watch him here:
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video