Speaking during his Philadelphia campaign rally on Saturday, June 22, former President Donald Trump sounded off on the media’s generally supportive attitude toward President Joe Biden despite his slip-ups while calling him “cognitively impaired” for relatively small slip-ups, such as the occasional incorrect word or name.
Trump’s comments on the matter came in the context of the many video clips of President Biden that have circled the internet, such as the videos of him looking not particularly well in Normandy, with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre referring to some of the videos of the President as being “cheap fakes” because of their frame or cut leaving out details, such as with the paratrooper video.
Joking about the attempts to hush up the videos and what some of them potentially show about Biden’s cognitive state, Trump said, “Now he’s even saying that all his mishaps were fake. They say the fake news covered him in a fake manner. That’s a lot of fake. That’s a lot of fake news back there.” For reference, KJP and others said that some of the videos were misleading, not that all of them were fake.
The crowd, regardless, enjoyed Trump’s comments about the media and President Biden, booing the media members covering the rally loudly as Trump continued with his comments on Biden and the media. Indicating that their defenses of Biden are dishonest. He said, “All we want them to do is be honest, because they’re all going out of business. Nobody believes them anymore. And it didn’t help when they went along with the Biden scam. What does he call it? What does he call it? You know what he calls it?.”
Continuing, Trump sounded off on how the media covers his occasional, verbal slip-ups, saying, “If I blow it up here, though, they – actually, they take a perfect, brilliant, beautiful statement that I make. I go for two hours without teleprompters.” He continued, “And if I say one word slightly out, they say, ‘he’s cognitively impaired.’”
Then, joking about Biden in his characteristically exaggerated and humorous fashion, Trump commented on the various videos of Biden that have been making the rounds, giving funnily exaggerated takes on what those already humorous, if concerning, videos show. He said, “Whereas Biden can run into walls. He can fall off the stage. He can fall up the stairs. He falls up.”
Those comments came in the context of Trump sounding off on the message on crime Biden is pushing and the “fake news” generally, saying, “But the FBI crime statistics Biden is pushing are fake. They’re fake, just like everything else in this administration. Now he’s even saying that all his mishaps were fake. They say the fake news covered him in a fake manner. That’s a lot of fake. That’s a lot of fake news back there.”
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Trump also, during the speech, said, “So they get him in about nine different positions. I mean, even normal positions, although I assume he’s been in some very bad ones. But they get him in all these horrible compromising posts and then they say he wasn’t, it really wasn’t that way. It was, so. Then everybody sends in, they all have cameras.”
Watch him here: