At a recent rally, former President Donald Trump addressed recent videos circulating on social media that illustrate the worrisome state of Joe Biden’s mental and physical health. Democrats have defended Biden, claiming these videos are misleading and taken out of context by conservatives.
Trump began by pointing out the problematic nature of Biden’s troubling behavior, which is a poor representation of the United States on the global stage. The former president called out Biden’s recent trip to the G7 Summit in Italy, during which there were several concerning Biden moments.
“Joe Biden is humiliating our country on the world stage. He’s actually humiliating us. You saw what happened this this weekend. It’s turning the United States into a total joke all over the world. First, he wandered off the G7 in Europe, the stage. He looked like he didn’t know where the hell he was, but he didn’t know where he was,” Trump said.
The presumptive Republican nominee then claimed that artificial intelligence is being blamed for the president’s unfavorable footage. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently suggested that the recent videos of Biden are “cheap fakes,” a play on words referencing false, artificially generated videos known as “deep fakes.”
Furthermore, Trump refuted that Biden’s image is being distorted in the media, arguing that “just the opposite is occurring.” The former president claimed the press is propping Biden up, “making him look better” amid his public slip-ups and gaffes.
“He’s blaming it now on AI. He’s saying, he doesn’t know what AI is, but that’s okay. Now they’re saying the media is manipulating… Oh, he’s saying the media is manipulating. Now, on that one, I have to stick up for the media, I have to tell you. He said the media is manipulating the pictures of him constantly, not knowing where the hell he is. They’re doing just the opposite. They’re making him look better at the G7 in Europe, and he had to be rescued by other world leaders and to pull him back,” he continued.
The GOP frontrunner also called out another bizarre incident at the G7 Summit when Biden met with Pope Francis. Many have pointed out that the president got uncomfortably close to the Pope when conversing, where Biden touched foreheads with him. Watch Trump’s speech here:
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He went on, “Then he bizarrely put his face on the Pope’s forehead. What was that all about? That was weird. Vivek is here. That was weird. Vivek, I don’t know. Did you see the Pope? The Pope is like, what’s happening? The Pope didn’t really know what was happening, he said. This is strange.”
Trump further drew attention to other recent incidents where people claimed Biden appeared frozen, such as the Juneteenth celebration at the White House and a Los Angeles fundraiser event where it looked as if Obama grabbed the president’s hand and led him offstage.
“Then he froze during the celebration on the White House lawn. Then, Barack Hussein Obama had to grab his hand, and lean him off the stage, as though he were a child, I have to tell you, Obama could have handled that different, you know, differently,” Trump said.
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