A brave (or perhaps just ignorant of the risks) soul on TikTok decided to take to the Chinese video sharing platform to explain why most employers will toss your resume in the trash if they see your pronouns on your resume.
What’s the reason she gives? It shows you’re super liberal and probably not straight, which is a risk to have in the office because the whole office is going to have to cater to your feelings to avoid a lawsuit. But all that walking on eggshells could be avoided by just hiring someone normal who puts their work experience in their resume instead.
Further, she emphasizes that the far-left types tend to not only be the sort that make you walk on eggshells around them, but are also generally extremely lazy, entitled, and difficult to work with. Watch here explain that here:
— NTB Media (@itsNTBmedia) March 14, 2023
As you can hear in the above video, she said:
“So if I was like hiring and I saw pronouns, here’s what I’m going to assume. I’m going to assume you’re obviously very liberal. So I’m going to assume you’re one of those people that is super far left. And I’m gonna assume you’re not a very hard worker, um, you are either a female or a probably not straight guy. So everything in the office is going to have to cater to you, your feelings, your needs, and your emotions.
“So everyone around you is not going to be able to be themselves and walk on eggshells. Why would anyone want someone like you unless everyone’s like you in a work environment? You’re going to be the laziest person you’re going to be the most entitled complain the most, and I think you’re going to be the first to sue. So shocker that pronouns weren’t helping you guys. Sorry. Is there anything I missed there?”
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Elon Musk, for his part, had a similar message recently. Responding to some woke moron who was attacking him for joking that his pronouns were Arrest/Fauci, he said “strongly disagree. Forcing your pronouns upon others when they didn’t ask, and implicitly ostracizing those who don’t, is neither good nor kind to anyone.As for Fauci, he lied to Congress and funded gain-of-function research that killed millions of people. Not awesome IMO.”
The reason the girl in the video was likely talking about pronouns and resumes was a recent article in CNBC that said:
Business.com also went a step further by sending two identical phantom resumes to “180 unique job postings that were explicitly open to entry-level candidates” in an effort to test “whether or not the inclusion of gender-neutral pronouns impacts how employers perceive resumes.”
“Both featured a gender-ambiguous name, ‘Taylor Williams.’ The only difference between the test and control resumes was the presence of gender pronouns on the test version,” McGonagill said in the report. “The test resume included “they/them” pronouns under the name in the header.” She/her and he/him pronouns were not tested.
The phantom resume including pronouns received 8% less interest than the one without, and fewer interview and phone screening invitations.
According to the report, over 64% of the companies that received these resumes were Equal Opportunity Employers, something that made the results even more “worrisome.”