In a wild segment of Fox News Channel’s “The Five” that took place earlier in August of this year, co-hosts Judge Jeanine Pirro and Greg Gutfeld took down fellow co-host Jessica Tarlov, the show’s strident liberal, after she pushed a fake story about former President Donald Trump, the “bleach” hoax from 2020.
As background, Trump, in 2020, said, spoke about using bleach to fight the spread of Covid in comments that some on the left misrepresented to say that he said bleach should be injected, which he did not. During the incident, Trump began by saying, “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.”
He clarified that he did not mean bleach should be injected but rather for the sterilization of primarily stationary objects, saying, “It wouldn’t be through injection. We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work. But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”
In any case, Trump came up on “The Five” when Judge Jeanine Pirro said, speaking about the Trump presidency, “Here is the problem. Not a lot of people have the luxury of voting based on what social issues they think are important. People have to vote on their pocketbook, on food, on gas, whether they can live from day today.”
She continued, “And right now, if people even think about Donald Trump, they will remember $2 gas, they will remember when interest was 2.5%, inflation was 1.4%, consumer prices were 20% lower when Donald Trump was there. Okay? Kamala Harris can’t even talk about this stuff, let alone print something about it that somebody else wrote for her. So this is an easy one.”
That’s when Tarlov pushed the fake story, interjecting and saying, “I still remember Covid and injecting bleach — “ Judge Jeanine immediately sounded off on Tarlov’s ridiculous comment and let her displeasure with Tarlov’s pushing the fake story about injecting bleach be known, telling her, “Come on — “
Gutfeld then jumped in and corrected Tarlov, informing her that she was pushing a hoax. He said, “That — okay, that’s a hoax. No one said injecting bleach. Please look it up! Please look it up. We’ll do it in real time.” Tarlov then snipply responded, “Lysol?” Gutfeld didn’t back down, telling her, in response, “It never happened.”
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Tarlov tried to push back, saying, “Never happened? Did he say — “ That’s when Gutfeld really sounded off on her, saying, “You’re literally living in a delusion right now. That never was said. Do the research, no one ever said injecting bleach. Look it up, it has been debunked. That’s just like the ‘fine people’ hoax. I hate having to fix these things in real time.”
Pirro noted that, in addition to be a ridiculous hoax, Tarlov was using the story to distract from more real issues. She said, “That’s not even — that is a pivot from the fundamental issues of food and gas and being able to survive from work to work. Don’t give me this Clorox baloney, okay? It’s about living. It’s about surviving. It’s about taking care of your family, not the namby-pamby, what did he say about sharks. That’s ridiculous.”
Watch their spat here: