The Peruvian National Police recently busted drug traffickers with the assistance of the Grinch, who, instead of stealing Christmas this year, snatched up the freedom of local criminals. Footage captured of the incident shows an officer dressed up as the Christmas villain, sprinting down the street with a sledgehammer over his shoulder.
Upon arriving at a residence, the Grinch slams the tool into the front door, breaching the premises and leading a charge of other officers into the interior of the building to make numerous arrests. “In an ingenious operation, agents of the Green Squad arrested the aliases La Reina del Sur, La Coneja and Pote, alleged members of the La Mafia de San Bartolo gang, dedicated to drug dealing,” a police post on X explained. “Various narcotics were seized.”
Reportedly, Peru is the epicenter of cocaine production before it is trafficked throughout the world. “The majority of cocaine produced in Peru is transported to South American countries for domestic consumption, or for onward shipment to Europe, the United States, East Asia, and Mexico,” according to the State Department.
Sharing the footage, Fox News wrote on X, “MEAN GREEN MACHINE: A Peruvian police officer dressed as the Grinch busted suspected drug traffickers in the South American country’s capital days before Christmas where “various narcotics were seized.”
President-elect Donald Trump has campaigned vociferously on taking down drug cartels that are responsible for large portions of the drug trade that flows into America. Last year, The American Tribune reported on Trump’s plan to take down the illegal organizations. “We have to take over. We have to be tough. We have to be smart. We have to be fair. But if we don’t do something immediately, our country is gone,” Trump said.
He continued, “The drug cartels are waging war on America—and it’s now time for America to wage war on the cartels. The drug cartels and their allies in the Biden administration have the blood of countless millions on their hands. Millions and millions of families and people are being destroyed. When I am back in the White House, the drug kingpins and vicious traffickers will never sleep soundly again.”
Watch the Grinch take down drug dealers in Peru below:
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Part of Trump’s action plan to destroy the cartels includes, “Restore all Trump border policies and fully secure border … Deploy all necessary military assets, including the U.S. Navy, to impose a full naval embargo on the cartels, to ensure they cannot use our region’s waters to traffic illicit drugs to the U.S. … Order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber warfare, and other covert and overt actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations … Designate the major drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations … Cut off the cartels’ access to the global financial system … Get full cooperation of neighboring governments to dismantle the cartels, or else fully expose the bribes and corruption that protect these criminal networks …Ask Congress to ensure drug smugglers and traffickers can receive the Death Penalty.”
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.