Recent footage from Western North Carolina shows a shocking incident in which a low-flying helicopter destroyed relief supplies for those impacted by the destruction of Hurricane Helene in one of the hardest-hit areas. Video shows the helicopter hovering over a relief site in what appears to be a parking lot before the wind force of the rotors destroys supplies.
It is unclear whether the helicopter was innocently attempting to land or if malicious intent was at play. However, users on social media have speculated that the helicopter intentionally destroyed the much-needed supplies to thwart civilian relief efforts. Conservative commentator Collin Rugg shared a video of the incident on X, along with a firsthand account.
Rugg wrote, “Helicopter destroys Hurricane Helene recovery supplies in Burnsville, North Carolina at a distribution site. Locals say two black SUVs did a “slow roll” 45 minutes before the helicopter showed up. “This evening at approximately 7:18 in Burnsville, NC an unmarked helicopter flew in and attempted to destroy the distribution area that was set up by locals for locals while I was conducting a K9 Security Round,” megsbacn, a veteran volunteer said on TT.”
However, a community note underneath the post claimed that the aircraft had been marked. “The helicopter was not unmarked. It’s a Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk operated by the Connecticut National Guard. Note the timestamp (23:38) in the Flight Radar screenshot is in UTC time so local Burnsville, NC time would be 7:38 p.m. EDT,” the fact-check read.
Rugg’s post continued, “THIS WAS NOT ONE OF OUR HELOS! This was about 45 minutes after 2 unmarked black SUVS and a side-by-side did a slow roll at the entrance of our parking lot and left.” “[The helicopter] was UNMARKED and it is illegal to fly unmarked helicopters. But we know SF can and does and we know some private contractors do (not sure of the legalities on that though)…” “So who were they? Why were they here? Why were they masked up? I’ve done plenty of helo ops with Coast Guard helos and I know a practiced rotor wash when I see it and our pilots never masked up this way.”
One person, citing their own experience with helicopters, said, “I have flown in every helicopter type known to man. I’ve roped outta helicopters, staboed on helicopters and I’ve jumped outta helicopters. This was absolutely done on purpose with the rotor wash. The only reason you get this close to the ground is either to drop ropes or land. There was absolutely no reason to land in this area. It’s was done on purpose to scatter supplies from everyday American citizens helping those in this part of #northcarolina. @FAANews yall know thing of this? @fema yall know anything of this?”
Other suggested the incident may have been an innocent mistake from the helicopter pilot. “I would lay money that that was a National Guard or Army Blackhawk that was doing low recon on the wrong LZ. All Army aircraft look unmarked in low light situations (the black stenciling on OD green is hard to see by design),” one person wrote.
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Watch the incident below:
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.