Well, midterms didn’t go the way we hoped. Whether because Mitch McConnell and Co. had some not great messaging, the country is just too polarized and gerrymandered for a wave year to happen, or something else was going on, the GOP didn’t get all it wanted out of the elections.
And so, with that disappointment in mind, finding something to laugh at is important; rather than start screeching like SJWs, we need to move on and get ready for the next one, sent on our way and ready to do battle with a chuckle.
For that reason, I decided it might be fun to resurrect this absolutely epic, hilarious ad that Sen. Kennedy of Louisiana, a fighter if ever we’ve had one, released back in early August of this year, back when it looked like the wave was still inbound.
In it, Sen. Kennedy absolutely shreds the libs. Only, rather than doing so in the boring, stale “DeSanctimonious” way, Kennedy is all in on being funny. And turns out, he’s hilarious. So hilarious that you need to take a seat and find somewhere quiet to sit and watch, it’s that funny.
Check out the great ad here:
As you can hear, Senator Kennedy throws a number of fun remarks into the ad, making it clear that he’s a conservative fighter while also including the sort of softly self-deprecating remarks that show his good qualities while also showing that he doesn’t take himself too seriously (paging Liz “the RINO” Cheney to show what the exact opposite of that looks like).
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In one part, for example, Kennedy said “People say I’m outspoken. It’s true. I have the right to remain silent. I just don’t have the ability. I’m just being me.”
In another funny line, Kennedy references his inability to sit quietly yet again while also blasting DC insiders that get their feelings hurt so easily, saying:
“For all those Washington, insider, elite bedwetters, whose feelings I hurt, here’s some free advice: Go buy yourself an emotional support pony. Because I’m not going to shut up.”
Continuing, Kennedy then made his best joke of the whole ad, giving some very good advice to anyone wondering how to act, saying:
“And one more thing, always be yourself, unless you suck.”
Hilarious! Funny stuff that shows his steel spine and refusal to be quiet while also cracking some jokes that are needed more now, in these dark times, than ever.
While those jokes were all funny, particularly the “unless you suck” one, they might not have been his takedown of Bidenflation and gas prices, when he lit into the fuel price crisis and Hunter’s drug problem, saying:
“Meanwhile, I don’t know about where you live, Jesse, but in my state, the price of gas is so high that it would be cheaper to buy cocaine and just run everywhere.”
Senator Kennedy is a national treasure and by far one of the best fighters in the GOP; thank goodness he’s on our side and not helping out the looney left, which could certainly use a dash or twelve of his wisdom and humor.
Featured image credit: screengrab from embedded Rumble video