Sen. Tommy Tuberville recently called out the Biden administration for diverting resources to illegal immigrants. The Alabama senator illustrated the dire need within the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) so American military veterans can be given the proper assistance they require.
As the ongoing border crisis worsens, the Biden administration has been the subject of intense criticism due to its pressure on American infrastructure. Providing healthcare resources to illegal immigrants could divert necessary resources away from Veterans Affairs, prolonging wait times and preventing veterans from accessing critical care.
In response to the issue, Sen. Tuberville has championed the No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act, which would prohibit the federal government from providing such resources to those who enter the country illegally. Speaking to Fox News, the Senator outlined his initiative to protect the VA.
“The border is causing hundreds of problems. I mean, this should just went up all across the country and we’ve seen it in crime that the things are going on the squatters in homes. Policemen getting beat up. But I’m on the VA committee also. And so we try to protect our veterans,” Tuberville said.
“And Brandon there’s 19 million veterans in our country. We have the biggest health care system in the world with the VA and a lot of money, a lot of taxpayer money, but we should we should take care of our veterans. But are those 19 million we’re only able to take care of about 9 million,” he added illustrating the extent to which the VA needs additional resources.
“So over the years, our VAs are starting to back up because we’ve had these 20-year wars. And so we decided to go out and start these community care systems across the rural areas where if you live in a small town you don’t have to drive two and a half hours to a VA if you need to see a doctor. So they worked out great, the lines are shorter or people get health care or veterans,” the senator added.
Sen. Tuberville continued expounding upon how millions of illegal immigrants flowing over the border are straining the capacity of VA facilities. Tuberville slammed the Biden administration for allowing such a “disaster” unfold that is bringing the U.S. to its knees.
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“But by the actions of Joe Biden, he’s decided, Okay, we got to feed all these 10 million and people will have come across the border. We’ve got to house them, and we got to give them health care. We’ve got to house them, and we got to give them health care. Well, what better way Joe Biden says to let’s just go and use our Community Health Care Centers that the VA ‘s are using that veterans are using, so that’s what they’ve done. They’ve opened up care from the doctors in these community care systems that aligns now in the BAs are getting longer. Our funds that are supposed to go to the veterans are going to these illegal immigrants coming across. It’s a disaster. It’s just one of the many, many things that’s causing this country to really go to his knees because all these illegals coming into our country,” he said.
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