In less than sixty seconds, Ron DeSantis covers the entire playbook for how conservatives can and should push back to ultimately win against the corrupt corporate media and the lies they peddle.
He also does it in epic fashion, riffing off the wildly successful Top Gun sequel that parked all woke narratives in the hangar and focused on a fun, pro-America message. I’ll also add he looks way better in aviators than Joe Biden, who barely knows how to put them on.
Watch the ad below:
BREAKING REPORT: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis drops new TOPGOV video directly targeting Corporate Media..
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) August 23, 2022
This ad is great from beginning to end. The opening shot features “Freedom Headquarters” (aka Florida) and never slows down. It’s a mix of succinct pointers and a montage of best-of moments.
The three rules outlined are what have catapulted both him and Donald Trump to soaring heights and incredible popularity. This is such a far cry from the typical spinelessness and cowardice exhibited by most Republicans. If this message can carry over, as it has with up and comers like Kari Lake, then there is still some hope.DeSantis’ rules are:
“Don’t fire unless fired upon, but when they fire, you fire back with overwhelming force.”
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“Never, ever back down from a fight.”
“Don’t accept their narratives.”
This is clearly one of the best DeSantis ads yet, and there are several. Back in January, as the Brandon administration worked in unison with the globalists and transhumanists hellbent on destroying lives, he put out another great number in which he concludes by telling Fauci to pound sand.
We wrote this at the time:
“The DeSantis video comes on the heels of the FDA revoking the Emergency Use Authorization for two monoclonal antibody treatments, which Florida has aggressively used alongside every other available treatment. The ostensible reason behind the FDA’s move was that monoclonals are ineffective against the Omicron variant. Of course, with that line of thinking, then it should also pull any emergency use for the vaccines since they are pretty much worthless against it too. Once more, we see that politics are a lot more important than reasonable medical decisions.
After completing the montage of various Fauci lies, the video ends with the tranquil, rhythmic lapping of waves and serene imagery of a Florida beach. Fauci might have failed, but Florida remained free. It concludes with the simple message: Fauci can pound sand.”
This ad from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis taking aim at Dr Fauci is absolute fire.
“Fauci can pound sand.”
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) January 26, 2022