The entertainers that aren’t totally woke are few and far between, and those who will openly blame the left for the major problems afflicting America are even rarer. Well, country rock star Aaron Lewis broke through both of those barriers in a powerful rant in which he accused the left of having been behind every scar that exists on America.
That rant occurred during a concert in September of 2021, at which point he was introducing his anti-Left top hit “Am I the Only One” and, during the introduction, decided to do a brief digression and rip into the left with a vengeance.
“I really look back on this timeframe in history and wonder how we were allowed — how we allowed — such ridiculousness to happen in this country. And in this world,” he began, pointing out that much of the horrible things that are happening only because normal people allowed the powers that be to get away with it.
Continuing, he gave some examples, saying, “If we all paid attention in our f*cking history classes, we would know that the democrats are responsible for every f*cking scar that exists on this country. Every American Indian massacre. Every f*cking slave aside from eight that was ever owned in this f*cking country was owned by F*CKCING DEMOCRATS! Every segregational law, every racist law …”
He then gave a few more, saying, “…every Jim Crow Law, every f*cking KKK meeting was done by the G*D DAMN DEMOCRATS! Can we please embrace history so that we don’t f*cking repeat it?”
That still wasn’t all. he then cot to the modern day, hammering the left for tearing down statues while promulgating ridiculous restrictions that held up ships and locked up normal people while letting Democrats riot.
He said, “They think it’s about statues. They don’t think it’s about the thousands of ships parked just off our ports unable to unload the goods that we need so desperately because the government is standing in the f***ing way. It’s not about the fact that they are teaching our children to judge each other by the color of their skin. It’s not about the fact that we were all locked down while a bunch of Democrats rioted in the streets and burned down cities and looted stores. No, it’s not that at all. No, it’s about me defending a bunch of Democratic statues being torn down. It’s f**ing really f***ing ridiculous.”
He then got to what he thinks their goal is, which is to turn America into a communist country with an entrenched elite and impoverished rest of society, saying, “They’re purposely trying to sink our ship. A very small handful of people compared to all of us where the power lies. It is we the people. This is the only country in the world that is designed with the power from the bottom up. Every single thing that the government has ever done that wasn’t good for this country is to flip it around from the top down. If you want top down, go to any communist country in the f***ing world. Go to any socialist country in the world. Go to any other f***ing country in the world. Quit trying to ruin my f***ing country.”
Watch him here:
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video
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