On Monday, April 8, President Joe Biden had yet another stumbling incident when climbing the Air Force One staircase. Though he didn’t topple over completely, he did stumble on a step and catch himself, all on camera, in yet another incident that commenters online, mainly conservatives, pointed to as evidence of his frailty.
Among those accounts that noted Biden’s stumble was the RNC Research X account, one run by the Republican National Committee (RNC). When he stumbled on the short staircase, it posted about the incident itself and updated its “Biden Trip Counter” video to poke fun at the aging president’s frequent stumbles.
It did so in a comment in which it wrote, “Time to update the Biden Trip Counter” and included a numbered video compilation of Biden stumbling. That comment came underneath a post about Biden’s trip up the stairs itself, in which the RNC Research account said, “YIKES: Biden almost trips up the short stairs (again) as he heads to Wisconsin.”
Commenting on the “Biden Trip Counter” video, one person questioned why Trump hasn’t yet brought up Biden’s use of the short staircase, saying, “It’s said part of the Biden strategy for 24 is to try and anger Trump by making fun of him and his behavior. What’s that they say about people living in glass houses? Would love to see Trump refer to Joe as “Short Steps.”
Another commenter noted that it’s more sad than anything to see Biden struggling with the stairs, saying, “Shouldn’t forcing an old, dementia-riddled man up & down so many stairs be considered “elderly abuse”??”
Still others questioned the taste of mocking Biden’s inability to handle the stairs, saying, “Do you keep count when your grandparents trip and fall? And mock them for it? Or only elected officials? What are your principles? Just curious” and “You should probably stick to attacking policies, not stumbles. It’s national politics, not middle school.”
Watch the Biden Trip Counter here:
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That isn’t the only Biden compilation that the GOP has pushed recently. Former President Donald Trump posted one of Biden gaffing for five minutes straight in March. The End Wokeness X account took Trump’s Truth Social post and put it on X so more people could see it, captioning the video by saying, “Trump just posted this brutal compilation of Biden’s brain glitching for 5 minutes.” Commenting on the video, one poster opined that Biden is too old for the position, saying, “This is brutal. And it’s sad to watch. Biden has always been a terrible person but what he’s going through now isn’t something to wish on anyone. He obviously shouldn’t be in the White House. He should be cared for civilly in jail for the rest of his life. That’d be justice.”
Watch the video here:
Despite the criticism, the official White House physical deemed that “President Biden is a healthy, active 81-year-old male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief.”
Further, the Chief White House physicia claimed that Biden’s physical exam was “essentially unchanged from baseline.” He continued, “The President feels well and this year’s physical identified no new concerns.” Biden apologists blame the stiff gait and stumbles on the president’s arthritis, which the exam claimed: “The President’s arthritic changes remain moderate to severe, but still do not result in nerve root compression significant enough that they would warrant specific treatment.” The doctor talked about Biden’s use of CPAP technology for sleep. He continued: “The President’s arthritic changes remain moderate to severe, but still do not result in nerve root compression significant enough that they would warrant specific treatment.”
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video