A disgruntled man’s rant against the Democratic Party has recently gone viral, where he explained that the left is the actual reason America has become so politically polarized. The nearly three-minute monologue sounded off on liberals over everything from “race-baiting” to the weaponization of the justice system against former President Donald Trump.
“Something straight right now, Democrats, America is not divided because of Donald Trump. It is divided because of Joe Biden and all of you Democrats because of your lies, your race baiting, your political persecution because you’re weaponized two-tier justice system and Department of Justice. That’s the reason why America is divided,” the man opened his commentary.
The individual further slammed the Democrats for politically persecuting their fellow Americans for simply opposing their political agenda. He added, “Donald Trump’s been doing nothing but posting on Truth Social it’s you Democrats that have been destroying this country, persecuting Americans that simply disagree with you or for being dissidents. We see the difference here, where Democrats don’t get in trouble for nothing.”
Calling out Democrats over their seeming hypocrisy toward the rule of law, the man suggested that the left is never held accountable for its conduct while Trump is “persecuted to death” over an illegitimate infraction of the law. He accused liberals of destroying the lives of their political opponents.
He went on, “They don’t get in trouble no matter what they do, they don’t get any punishment, but a Republican gets persecuted to death over nothing. That’s the reason why America is divided because of you. No one else out here has a problem, except for you, coming after people, destroying people’s lives to force the political results that you want because you are a f*cking communist. That’s reason why you came after Donald Trump with the E Jean Carroll bullsh*t. Fined him $100 million even though you knew it was a lie.”
He further emphasized the left’s alleged political persecution of Donald Trump, stating, “That’s the reason why you find Donald Trump $500 million with the Leticia James bullshit, even though you knew it was a wrong, it was bullshit. You knew that. That’s the reason why it came out to Donald Trump with his felony charges in New York even though you knew as a misdemeanor past the statute of limitations, they had no jurisdiction or authority to use a federal underlying crime, but you did it anyway, because you’re a f*cking communist who will do literally anything to steal the election and to strong arm and force the rest of the country that go along with your bullsh*t.”
The angry voter concluded his monologue by emphasizing why Americans should decisively vote against Democrats, further warning as to how they will destroy their political opponents. He claimed the left will resort to whatever tactics necessary to achieve their political ambitions. Watch the clip below:
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“You did not stand for fairness, you did not stand for justice, or your ones above the law. Oh no. What you’re really saying is only Democrats are above the law and everyone else is beneath the law because you’re fucking communist. That’s what you’re really saying. And people are f*cking tired of it clear. Democrats will convict, they will convict innocent men. They will cheat in elections. They will line your family up against a wall and gun them down. And that’s what it takes to get their political will. They will do anything to get their way, because these people truly are your enemy, the enemy of America, the enemy of freedom. At this point we have to vote these f*ckers out of office. We must vote them out. Or else, this country is done. These people will lie, they will cheat, they will do anything to get their way.”
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.