Last week, President Biden visited the border town Brownsville, Texas, as the rampant illegal immigration that has occurred under his term has developed into one the most prominent political issues in America. Conservatives have consistently denounced the Biden administration, asserting that the president should be taking significantly more action to secure the Southern Border.
However, when addressing this topic during a recent press conference, White House Press Secretary Karine-Jean Pierre claimed there isn’t any feasible executive action Biden could take to secure the border through substantive executive action.
“Look, as far as executive action, I’ve been very clear about that from here from this podium. When you all have asked me, we always obviously look at every, every scenario, every option. We evaluate all of those things,” KJP stated during the press conference.
Jean-Pierre then claimed that, instead of Biden pursuing executive orders, the bipartisan border deal produced by the Senate is the best course of action to mitigate the unsecured border and flawed immigration system. Republicans have ruthlessly criticized the Biden-supported border bill, claiming it disproportionately prioritizes foreign interests, such as Israel and Ukraine, instead of the Southern Border.
“But we do believe which is why the President went to the border to Brownsville, Texas yesterday that the way to move forward the bottom line is we need to take action and then move forward with the bipartisan agreement that came out of the Senate. That is the way that we believe we can actually deal with what the challenges at the border we can deal with the broken immigration system. There is no executive action that will that would do would be able to do what this what this negotiation came out in a bipartisan way,” she said.
Many quickly denounced KJP’s claim, pointing out that within the 100 days of his presidency, Biden enacted nearly 100 executive orders related to the border, many of which unraveled the actions of the previous Trump administration. Many have praised former President Trump for enacting competent policies that created a secure border with Mexico.
“Karine Jean-Pierre claims ‘there is no executive action’ Biden could take to secure the border. Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to decimate border security — and has all the authority he needs to reverse course and end the border crisis,” RNC Research wrote on X.
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Reports indicate that since Biden entered the White House, millions of migrants have crossed the border illegally. As these illegal immigrants have infiltrated the American interior, the media has been filled with high-profile incidents of migrant criminal activity, such as the devastating murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley.
Former President Donald Trump has been highly vocal about the consequences America is enduring because of the rampant illegal immigration. The American Tribune reported on Trump’s comments during a speech in Eagle Pass, Texas, where he slammed Joe Biden and the Democrats for their role in the border crisis.
“I call him ‘Crooked Joe’ because he’s crooked and he’s a terrible president and vice president our country has ever had the probably the most incompetent president we’ve ever had. But it’s allowing 1000s and 1000s of people to come in from China, Iran, Yemen, Congo, Syria, and a lot of other nations. Many nations are not very friendly to us. He’s transported the entire columns of fighting aged men and they’re all at a certain age and you look at them, I said they look like warriors to me,” he said.
Watch footage below of KJP’s press conference:
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.