During a recent segment of Fox News Channel’s “The Five,” Judge Jeanine Pirro sounded off on liberal co-host Jessica Tarlov over a disagreement on the lack of border security under President Joe Biden. After Tarlov claimed that border crossings had dropped substantially, Pirro chimed in, adding crucial context in a back-and-forth spat.
Tarlov began, “Well, we actually have it a huge change in the amount of people that are getting into this country and the number of deportations. So we now have the lowest number of border crossings that we’ve had in four years.” Pirro interjected, “Yeah, but they’re flying them in across border if you get a free flight.” Tarlov confidently replied, “It’s not true.”
The left-leaning co-host continued, and we’ve removed 700,000 … that they’re just flying them in … without background checks.” Pirro added, “Wait a minute. You think they’re flying them in, and they do background checks on them.” Tarlov answered, “Yes, I do think that you got a background check.” Judge Jeanine fired back, “From where, from Chile, from Venezuela, from Haiti?”
Tarlov suggested that people from “Mexico and Central America” were receiving background checks while claiming there was substantial cooperation with these nations. As the two continued to argue, Tarlov said, “You’re telling me that in the last year where we’ve gotten out over 700,000 people, which is the most that we have deported since the year 2010.”
The liberal co-host continued illustrating the supposed late-term accomplishments of Biden, stating he has had “the lowest number of border crossings that we have record seizures of drugs that are supposed to be coming across the border, that this is a wide-open border.” Pirro questioned, “Why did Biden lose if he’s so great.” Tarlov opined, “It was too little to too late in addressing this problem.”
The American Tribune reported on another disagreement involving Pirro and Tarlov regarding the recent controversy surrounding the GOP attempt to protect women’s bathroom’s. “This bill, it’s so nasty, and it’s for no reason. And good on Sarah McBride and good on the Democratic caucus for standing up for her because it’s so lame…“ Greg Gutfeld interrupted, “That’s false compassion. That’s false compassion.”
Tarlov shot back, “Really? Why? Do you think — would you ever notice, if Sarah McBride walked into the room, you’ve seen her, would you….“ Gutfeld emphasized, “That’s not the point. That’s not the point. What you are doing, you’ve got to step back and look. You are talking about a system that changes for a tiny percentage of people. You are asking a lot of people they have every right to say no.”
Watch the argument between Tarlov and Pirro about the border below:
Weighing in on the issue, Pirro said, “Didn’t you learn that the American people don’t want this? That the majority of people don’t want to be kowtowing to a .01% of people who want to enter into my bathroom? I don’t want a guy who is dressed as a woman, who thinks he’s a woman, whether he has his thing or not, I don’t want him in my bathroom. I don’t want to think about him. I don’t want to Wash my hands near him. I don’t want him in there. You know what? Get your own freaking bathroom. Go in your own unisex… “
Watch that argument below:
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.
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