Recently, “The View” hosted a segment where the ladies of the show discussed the topic of Joe Biden’s age. The panel talked about apparent “ageism” in the context of politics, and co-host Joy Behar defended Joe Biden’s mental faculties in the most absurd manner.
At the time it occurred, Associate Editor for Media Research Center and NewsBusters Nicholas Fondacaro posted two clips from “The View,” slamming their viewpoints. Nicholas particularly calls out Joy Behar, stating, “Joy claims Fox News is responsible for Americans realizing that Biden is in decline and whines about them showing video of Biden tripping and having mental slips. Ana says she “never understood why people focus so much on Joe Biden’s age” and claims he’s “in very good” shape.”
As Nicholas pointed out, Behar seemingly alleges that right-wing media is to blame for the popular opinion that Biden’s age is a limiting factor in his ability to lead the country. In the segment, the hosts bring up a recent poll from the Wall Street Journal that shows Americans overwhelmingly think Biden shouldn’t run for re-election due to his age.
Behar claims that conservative news sources, such as Fox News, have shown instances of the president tripping supposedly the way “normal” people do. Apparently, the many instances of Biden falling have nothing to do with his age or faculties. “I’m not going to interrupt you. But isn’t it true? That Fox and all those right-wing stations keep showing pictures of him tripping like the way people trip,” Behar said.
Sonny Hostin also went on a rambling rant about why she finds “ageism” offensive. In case you can’t keep up with the constant creation of different “-isms” in the contemporary woke Western world, ageism is defined as discrimination on the basis of one’s age.
“I just it just offended me deeply when she said that the end of the Senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country,” Hostin said. Because ageism offends me. And I think that in this country, it’s very different than in other cultures and other countries. Where we value age and we value wisdom.”
Hostin then calls out Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, claiming he is too young and lacks the required experience for the job as president. She also labels him a “bad person” without explaining why.
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“And you’ve got a lot of young people like, let’s say Vivek, who’s running and quite frankly, he’s not ready for primetime and he’s very young and inexperienced and a bad person. And so I just, I think that we need to be very careful about saying we need to have age term limits, term limits, age limits, and I agree with Sara, I mean, there’s a thing called a biological age, which is how long the chronological age which is, how long you’ve been in existence, and then a biological age, which is the aging of your cells. You look around with your friends and some of us are aging. A little bit better than our contemporaries are friends that are the same exact age. So don’t tell me that every 50 year old is like every other 50 year old,” Hostin said.
Note: Featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.