To no one’s surprise, except for the left, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that President Trump cannot be left off individual state ballots. Liberal states like Colorado and Maine sought to disqualify the former president, asserting that he was ineligible for citing an insurrection on January 6. Naturally, the left didn’t take into account the fact Trump has never been so much as even charged with citing an insurrection. Still, they pressed on with their ridiculous brand of political theater.
That is until SCOTUS put an end to the nonsense, ruling 9-0 that states do not have the authority to disqualify Trump. As is usually the case when a ruling doesn’t go as liberals planned, the leftist media is in shambles, some even calling for the Supreme Court to be dissolved.
A particularly entertaining exchange took place on the Fox program ” The Five” on Monday. Jesse Watters took advantage of the opportunity to hilariously drag liberal host Jessica Tarlov. The battles between Tarlov and the Conservative hosts like Greg Gutfeld and Watters have raged back and forth for some time, but the latter took the opportunity to remind Tarlov of all the failed predictions for Trump’s demise.
With a smirk almost too wide for the camera, the giddy host said: “You know you look at your phone in the morning and you see nine-zero and you can’t wait to sit next to Jessica, and we’re here and we’re sitting next to Jessica and we can all just bask in the glory of the Supreme Court’s decision. You can get into the weeds and talk about the lady caucus. I’d rather just look at nine nothing.”
While Tarlov seemed genuinely shocked by the ruling and expressed that by saying, “I’m shocked,” Watters broke it down for her in the simplest terms when he said: “So many people on television – and I would never go this – gave the country false hope, and these people went to law school. I proudly did not go to law school, but even I could read the 14th Amendment and it was clear to even me – just a bachelor’s degree from Trinity College, a safety school – that this was not going to go the way the Democrats thought it was going to go.”
It was clear that SCOTUS had to deliver in favor of Trump, even if it shattered liberal hopes and dreams. January 6th wasn’t an insurrection, and President Trump was never charged with such a thing. The states had no authority under the 14th Amendment to do what they attempted, and even a Supreme Court with three liberal judges managed a unanimous verdict.
Watters wasn’t done. He delivered another crushing body blow to Tarlov when he said: “These people, they call them judicial pundits at the networks and on cable, came out strongly saying that this case had a shot. And now the same people… are saying ‘we always knew this was going to be a unanimous decision.’ They’re lying to you.” As usual, when the left loses, they simply move the goalposts and try again.
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The fighting between Tarlov and the conservatives on the panel has been fierce in recent months. Now that Super Tuesday has happened and Nikki Haley has been dispatched, the intensity should hit a fever pitch leading up to November. Stay tuned; this is gonna get good.
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