Recently, hundreds of New Yorkers gathered to participate in a massive “Trump Dance” flash mob in Staten Island last week. As the hit song “YMCA” by The Village People played out loud, the Trump supporters gave their best renditions of the president-elect’s signature dance moves. During this election cycle, the Trump dance has become an undeniable force in contemporary culture, where even professional athletes have been recorded performing it on live TV.
“The dance says you don’t have to take yourself seriously all the time,” Republican Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella said, commenting on the popular dance. “The dance has taken on a life of itself.” Footage from the flash mob also garnered numerous responses from users on social media.
“My mom does the Trump Dance every time she’s a completed a project or while doing house chores or about to do a project. When asked why she said it’s motivating, uplifting, encouraging, it keeps her going, makes her happy. It represents a warrior who never gives up never surrender keep fighting. She trained her 2 doodles to do the dance too @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #YMCA,” one person said.
“Just loving this! People coming together because they voted for President Elect Donald Trump . It’s a great feeling! You’ll never see this for a Democrat,” another person wrote. Oner user commented, “Our nation is healing
This is probably the number one thing I was thankful for this Thanksgiving. God has given us an opportunity for peace domestically and in regard to all these foreign wars with the election of Donald J. Trump. He has not forgotten America!
However, the Trump dance has sparked controversy in the NFL, where the league had to issue a statement explaining they would not be punishing athletes for doing the celebration. As a result, sports commentator Stephen A. Smith slammed “woke culture” and “cancel culture” that necessitated the NFL to even issue a statement in the first place.
“Here’s why I’m p—ed off, that the NFL had to even issue a statement about it. Because celebrations usually don’t warrant that,” Smith said. “It doesn’t require a response from the league. So why was it necessary this time?” The EPSN personality continued, “You know why? Because we got a bunch of people still living with their heads in the cloud acting like they get to protest every little damn thing. This is America. Donald Trump won the election, rather convincingly, I might add.”
Watch the Trump Dance flash mob in New York:
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“And why am I ticked off? Because it was emblematic of the climate that we’ve been living in for years now, which is why I believe Donald Trump was really elected… woke culture, cancel culture, oh hell yes, that played a role,” he further noted, “When you got people walking around wondering whether or not they’re echoing the right pronoun. Wondering whether or not that was gonna cost them their job or being PC because, God forbid, your opinion is different than the average folk walking around in America. Lord knows what would happen to you. That’s what America regressed to.”
Watch Smith below:
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.