Sometimes, it’s old videos that are the funniest, as they serve as both a reminder that the people we currently look at with a mix of horror and disdain have been looked at with such emotions for a long time, and a reminder of some of the great insults thrown the way of those people in the past. Such is the case with a recently resurfaced video of Nancy Pelosi appearing in England and getting heckled by the gathered crowd.
As background, the incident occurred when Pelosi, as part of her visit to the UK for the G7 meeting, visited Cambridge University for a speech on America’s so-called “Special Relationship” with Great Britain and comment on the American political situation, namely former President Donald Trump and the January 6th protest.
When asked about former President Donald Trump, Pelosi snapped, “I don’t ever talk about him.” Then, despite saying she didn’t want to talk about him, she continued talking about him, saying, “I reference him from time to time as ‘What’s His Name.’ If he wants to run again, he’ll be the first president who was impeached twice and defeated twice.”
In any case, not everyone was excited to see Pelosi arrive in the United Kingdom. As you can hear in the below video, hecklers yelled things like, “You’re a fraud, Nancy,” “Scumbag,” and “Get back to Jeffrey Epstein’s pedo island, Nancy!” It should be noted that there is no evidence whatsoever that Pelosi ever visited Epstein Island, so that heckler was inaccurate. Still, it shows Epstein’s influence on the political system was on the minds of many at the time.
Pelosi also visited Trinity College and met with woke women there. One such person was Serena Cole, the President of Trinity College Students’ Union, who, after meeting Pelosi, said, “As an active participant in student politics and an American citizen, I was especially excited about the visit. It’s brilliant to see Trinity welcome such a renowned woman on the global stage.”
Similarly, Trinity College’s Master, Dame Sally Davies, said, “I was absolutely delighted to host the Speaker of the House at Trinity today with Serena Cole. It was a great honour to talk with Nancy Pelosi and share some of Trinity’s treasures in the Wren Library. We very much hope Trinity can host the Speaker of the House in future.”
Pelosi and her staff largely ignored the 2021 heckling, unlike when she was heckled at a n event in Florida in 2018 and her spokesman freaked out, saying, “It is deeply sad but unsurprising that we now see that ugliness rearing its head,. It is stunning that Republicans have the gall to call courageous survivors of sexual assault a ‘mob’, at the same time they incite and condone violent actions like this. Republicans must condemn this vile and dangerous conduct, and stop the reckless and dangerous rhetoric that encourages it.”
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Watch the video here: