In one of the few funny sketches to come out of “The Daily Show” in years, comedian Desi Lydic demolished Vice President Kamala Harris’ tendency toward speaking in word salads, hilariously demolishing that habit. In the sketch, Lydic plays “Dahlia Rose Hibiscus,” who is Kamala Harris’ “holistic thought adviser” and jokes about Kamala’s speech habits.
In the skit, Lydic says, imitating Kamala’s mode of spewing word salads, “What is a holistic thought adviser? It’s holistic, yes. And I am advising and what do we mean when we say that? It means that I am the one by whom the thoughts are being advised from a place of advisement. And then, once advised, communicated holistically.”
Continuing, Lydic, surrounded for the sketch by candles, a “vision board,” and a “Mad Libs” game, explains to the camera that she leads Vice President Harris on what she calls “idea voyages,” saying that the journey is “not so many sentences as idea voyages.” She adds, further mocking Harris, “It’s a process that I call speaking without thinking.”
Further joking about the “journey” of speaking Kamala goes on and how many words are used to describe it, she said, “It’s not about the destination of the thought, it’s about the journey and how many words you use to describe the journey.”
It then gets even funnier, as the sketch cuts to various clips of Kamala rambling, including one in which she says, “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.” Joking about how the VP, in such speeches, strings together words nonsensically, Lydic describes cutting out words from speech drafts, taking them to her “word cave,” and flinging them around the cave during a spiritual ritual to “learn what order the universe wants them to be in.”
She adds, speaking of the nonsensical strings of words, “The feeling they give you is so much more powerful than what they mean.” She then dismisses the idea that people “should be able to understand their leaders when they talk,” saying, “I prefer to leave Kamala’s thoughts open to interpretation, like a work of modern art that you look at and go, ‘I wonder what that was all about?”
Watch the hilarious sketch here:
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Mark Hemingway of RealClearInvestigations, tweeting about the sketch, joked, “Is this even allowed? How did this happen and is a network exec getting fired over this?” Similarly, the Spectator’s Stephen Miller joked, “It’s not that they did this, it’s that almost zero journalists shared it, and that the White House has 100% sent a scolding email to them for doing it.”
Another quote-tweeter noted, “The best part is how you can tell that Harris truly believes she is being profound.” Still another commenter said, “Brutal and hilarious and hilariously brutal – this satire captures almost perfectly what the disappointment of Kamala Harris’ Vice Presidency is. Enjoy! And then weep … ”