Fox News host Greg Gutfeld recently weighed in on Vice President Kamala Harris’s newly unveiled economic agenda, which has received substantial backlash for resembling communist central planning. Harris has touted policies such as price controls on groceries and a proposed wealth tax that would go after unrealized capital gains.
During a recent broadcast of “The Five,” Gutfeld began his monologue by calling out an argument by Jessica Tarlov, a left-leaning voice on the panel, who criticized Trump over his billionaire status. However, Gutfeld claimed this was an indication that Trump is competent when it comes to understanding economics. He then juxtaposed this to Vice President Harris, suggesting she lacks knowledge in the area.
“I would rather listen to somebody who began as a millionaire and is now a billionaire than somebody who doesn’t have a damn clue about economics. I’ve never heard a candidate today more unsure of themselves on a topic than Kamala Harris. I think she’s been burdened by the weight of expectations put on her by the media. I’ve never seen a better campaign ad for Trump. She’s campaigning better for Trump than Trump is,” he said.
Gutfeld proceeded to dissect Harris’ policies, pointing out no explanation for how they will be funded. “First, let’s talk about the down payment issue on the House. A lot of this stuff is infuriating because they’re treating the American public like idiots. She makes a proposal that is only half an equation. The first half is, here’s a nice thing for you. The second half is missing, who pays for it?” Gutfeld asked.
The Fox News host continued, “You saw this with student loan theft, described as forgiveness. Who paid for it? You paid for it. You see with immigration policy, who’s footing the billions and all that free stuff? You’re paying for it. Nothing is free. Nothing is free. And the sooner or later you figure that out, the better off you’re going to be. And that’s directed at Democrats who don’t understand that these policies are going to sink this country.”
Gutfeld proceeded to explain how there is a fundamental misunderstanding of basic economics, such as elementary supply and demand principles, within Harris’ team while arguing that economists universally disagree with the vice president’s agenda. The host illustrated that countries that have pursued such policies have endured severe economic consequences.
“There is no payoff for industries to increase, artificially inflate their prices, because the people who drive the prices are the consumers. That is, if you want to understand supply and demand, it’s the consumers who drive the prices. There is absolutely no debate on this. There is not a single economist who would agree that this is the right thing to do. We can go and talk about Eastern bloc countries, you can look at the cheap terrible cars that they made, in the appliances they made, but you already know that story,” he said.
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