Elon spoke at the “World Government Summit” recently, though his speech wasn’t what those attending likely wanted to hear. Instead of cheering the idea and promoting some sort of Utopian, Star Trek-like future under one government, Elon hammered the idea. Speaking on it, he claimed that a World Government could lead to civilizational collapse, saying:
“But one thing I should say, and I know this is called the World Government Summit. But I think we should be maybe a little bit concerned about actually becoming too much of a single-world government. If I may say that we want to avoid creating a civilizational risk by having, frankly, this may sound a little odd, too much cooperation between governments.
“You know, if, you know, if you look at say that it history and the rise and fall of civilizations that really all throughout history, or civilizations have risen and fallen, but it hasn’t meant the doom of humanity as a whole, because they’ve been, they’ve been all these separate civilizations that were separated by great distances. And so you know, say like, while Rome was falling, it, you know, Islam was rising. And so you had like a, you know, the sort of Caliphate doing incredibly well, while Rome was doing terribly. And that actually ended up being a source of preservation of knowledge, and, and many scientific advancements.
“And so So I think we want to be a little bit cautious about being too much of a world of a single civilization, because if we are too much of a single civilization, then we’re the whole the whole thing may collapse. I don’t know obviously, not suggesting war or anything like that. But I think we want to be a little bit wary of actually cooperating too much. It sounds a little odd, but we just we want to have some amount of civilizational diversity such that if, if something does go wrong with some part of civilization, that the whole thing doesn’t collapse, and, you know, humanity keeps moving forward.”
Watch that speech here:
BREAKING: @ElonMusk speaks out against the idea of a “World Government” at the “World Government Summit” and warns it could lead to civilizational collapse. pic.twitter.com/7hBrIY9SMP
(@alx) February 15, 2023
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Replying to ALX’s tweet, Elon said “Seemed like the right venue”.
Seemed like the right venue
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 15, 2023
Chiming in in the comments section of the tweet, many others agreed and emphasized the point Elon was making, saying things like:
“If you dont get it: In history there has always been rival empires to replace the ones that fall. If the world was one government, then nothing will replace it when it falls. Leading to an extreme dark age.”
“Interesting take by Elon, in addition to the common and justified criticism that “one world government” takes away power from the family and the community and leads to oppression and corruption on a scale never before seen in human history.”
“If all the corporations, small and large, joined together into one giant company wouldn’t it be so much better than having all that wasteful competition? NO. A free market works better. Same with government. We don’t want a single monopoly government ruling the world.”
By: Will Tanner. Follow me on Twitter @Will_Tanner_1
Featured image credit: screenshot from embedded video