In the highly contentious Tuesday, July 9, White House Press Briefing, sparks flew as Fox News Channel senior White House Correspondent Peter Doocy pressed White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on both what Biden would do if a crisis occurred after his early bedtime and about why the President has not yet taken a cognitive test.
As background, White House aides told Axios in a highly worrisome series of comments that the elderly president is prone to his now classic absent-minded gaffes and fatigue when attempting to operate outside of the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and while traveling abroad. That seemed confirmed by the 9 pm debate between Trump and Biden, during which Biden seemed to have trouble completing thoughts and stood slack-jawed for most of the debate.
Also concerning is that Biden apparently told governors that he needs to sleep more and avoid events after 8 pm, implying an earlier bedtime or later sleeping in, if not both, which is less than ideal for presidents, who are supposed to have busy schedules.
Pressing her on that, Doocy asked, “Biden says he’s best before 8p, but say the Pentagon picks up an incoming nuke at 11pm — who do you call? The First Lady?” KJP declined to give a straight answer about his health, instead saying, “He has a team that lets him know of any news that is pertinent and important to the American people.” Ignored in that answer was the real question, which is about what happens after his bed time, or when he’s too tired by early evening to function.
Watch them here:
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Doocy also pressed KJP on why Biden has not had to take a cognitive test, particularly in the wake of the disastrously bad debate, asking if they are just planning on remaining ignorant so that no action need be taken. He asked, “So, you’re saying you would rather just not know if there’s an issue with the president because if he does get a bad result it is all over. He has to leave office right away. He can’t run for re-election..”
KJP tok him that the question was a “hypothetical,” as if it’s not real and pressing, and that, in any case, the matter is in the hands of the White House medical unit. She said, “First of all, it’s a hypothetical … It’s not your decision. It’s not mine. It’s the White House medical unit.” She did not say why they have not gotten him to take such a test.
Watch that here:
Defending Biden’s early nights, Biden Campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz said, “President [George W.] Bush went to bed at 9, and President [Barack] Obama made dinner at 6:30.” He continued, claiming, “Normal presidents strike a balance, and so does Joe Biden. Hardly the same rigor as Donald Trump who spends half of his day ranting on Truth Social about plans that would cause a recession and other half golfing.”
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