Conservative country star Jason Aldean and his gorgeous wife Brittany have been the subject of much MSM hatred recently thanks to their support for President Donald Trump.
And so they decided to go on the attack against the MSM on Halloween, pretending to be Ron Burgundy and Veronica from “Anchorman” and mocking the MSM in a Halloween skit.
Here’s that hilarious video (starting 2:05):
He shared the video on Instagram, saying: “🚨 Breaking News🚨 Happy Halloween from Ron, Veronica and the Channel 4 News Team. 🎃👻 #fakenews”
As you can hear in the hilarious video, there are some great quotes. Paraphrasing the famous “Sex Panther” line from “Anchorman”, they say “We are 80% of the time unbiased 100% of the time.” That’s probably an overestimate of how unbiased the media is but, still, it’s funny.
Brittany had the best line of the skit, however, saying “Apparently, according to Brittany’s recent tweet, she hates all animals. It’s based on the tweet that said “I love dogs.” Sounds like a PR nigjhtmare.”
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The reference there is that Brittany made a joke about her parents not transing her in her tomboy phase, saying “I’d really like to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase. I love this girly life.”
That then led to a fight with leftie singer Marren Morris, who responded by saying “It’s so easy to, like, not be a scumbag human? Sell your clip-ins and zip it, Insurrection Barbie.”
Brittany hit back on an Instagram story, saying: “Some parents want to be accepted by society so badly that they’re willing to make life-altering decisions for their children who aren’t old enough to comprehend the consequences of their actions fully.”
That spat then culminated in Marren Morris continuing to freak out and saying that she might not go to the CMA Awards because she didn’t feel welcome, saying: “I’m very honored that my record is nominated. But I don’t know if I feel [at] home there right now. So many people I love will be in that room, and maybe I’ll make a game-time decision and go. But as of right now, I don’t feel comfortable going.”
So that was the story behind the “Brittany’s recent tweet” line. The one about it being a PR nightmare is a reference to Aldean’s PR team dropping him over Brittany’s post as well, with the firm saying, at the time: “Music has always been and remains The GreenRoom’s core focus, so we had to make the difficult decision after 17 years to step away from representing Jason. We aren’t the best people for the gig anymore…”
So, all in all, a great skit that shows that not only is the couple sticking to their guns and refusing to back down as other singers freak out and their PR firm runs away, but are sufficiently comfortable in their beliefs and position to joke about it all. But still, being unbiased 80% of the time is much to optimistic…they should have said 7% of the time or some other, similarly low number.