On February 18, 2025, Tim Burchett (R-TN) clashed with CNN anchor Pamela Brown over Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency. The woke CNN host began by quoting an academic who said that a sloppy solution is worse than the problem of government waste. Burchett replied that she was attacking DOGE’s methods instead of addressing their results.
He also referenced the absolute clown show that was the Biden administration. The Republican Rep. specifically brought up Sam Brinton, a high-ranking official in the Department of Energy. Burchett mocked CNN for failing to object to Brinton even after he was arrested for stealing women’s clothing. Before the conservative congressman could conclude his thoughts, Brown rudely kicked him off the show.
Pamela Brown began her remarks by complaining about DOGE. She said, “A professor at the University of Maryland, Don Kettle, who specializes in the civil service, told The Washington Post that, yes, the government is likely full of wasteful bloat, but said a clumsy fix is worse than no fix at all, saying it’s like going to a meat market getting a piece of steak and trying to cut out the fat with a sledge hammer. That would only make a mess of the meat. Do you think, Congressman, that is a fair point, that the way this is being done is clumsy rather than methodical?”
The Tennesse Republican answered quickly and expressed his annoyance with the network. He said, “Again, you’re … attacking the message. [You don’t care about] the results. You talk about nuclear secrets. You had a nuclear person who was in charge of nuclear secrets, a man who dressed up as a woman, [who] would go into the airport and steal women’s luggage. [He] was overseeing those nuclear secrets under the Biden administration, and I never heard y’all say a peep about that again. ”
Before he could finish the argument, Brown interrupted. She interjected, “The question is, is this unrelated to the people overseeing nuclear weapons being fired? And Elon Musk himself said we’re moving so fast, of course, there will be mistakes. The question is, you know, some of these mistakes are really high stakes,[such as]… accidentally firing people overseeing nuclear weapons. Do you see that point?”
Burchett fired back with a confident answer. He stated, “Humans will make mistakes, ma’am, but currently, these are bloated programs. You have no-show employees who are angry that they’re having to go back to work, that they’ve moved, and they’re not. No one’s disagreeing. There’s the bloated way jobs were.”
Despite more interruptions from the host, Representative Burchett continued to hammer away. He continued, “Then why are y’all not exposing it? Have y’all even talked about… Mozambique? We sent them ten million for circumcisions. I mean, goodness gracious, ma’am. Americans … have… been covering salaries. Where [is] the money is going? All y’all do is run down Elon Musk and Donald Trump, and you continuously do this, and that’s why your ratings are in the tank, ma’am.”
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Pamela Brown realized she was completely outclassed, and before he could finish his speech, the CNN anchor ended the interview. She concluded by saying, “Congressman Tim Burchett, we’re going to leave it there. I do appreciate your time coming on and having this conversation. Thank you very much.”
Watch the clip here:
The user who posted the clip of this interview said, “Frustrated CNN Host Pamela Brown has to cut the interview short with Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN). After getting hit with repeated facts about the Federal Employee who oversaw nuclear weapons, CNN’s inability to cover the wasteful spending fairly, and Elon Musk historic work.”
One account posted, “It wasn’t an interview. She just spouted nonsense Dem narratives, asked a question, then interrupted his factual answers and when he got fed up and called her out, she ended it.
CNN is not a news organisation, it is a propaganda outlet for the Democratic Party.”
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