Recently, a California cat made an arduous 1,000-mile journey to return to his home after being lost in Yellowstone National Park. While visiting the famous national park, Benny and Susanne Anguiano took their cats as they often do for camping trips. However, things went awry this time when their cat, Rayne Beau, ran into the forest after becoming startled.
For the remainder of their trip, the couple searched for their furry friend but were unsuccessful in locating him despite efforts such as laying out toys and treats in the hope of drawing him back out of the woods. In despair, the Anguianos had to leave without Rayne Beau, worried they would never see their pet again. “That was the hardest day because I felt like I was abandoning him,” Susanne said.
Susanne recounted seeing a sign as they were leaving the park, in which a rainbow appeared in the sky, serving as an explicit reminder of their beloved cat. “We were driving along and out of nowhere, these double rainbows appear, and it just knit it all together for me,” said Susanne.
However, after nearly two months had passed, the Anguianos received the great news they had been hoping for: Rayne Beau had been located in Roseville, California, at a local SPCA. Reportedly, a resident found the cat alone in the street and took him to the shelter upon realizing this was clearly someone’s pet.
Taking to social media, Susanne described the happy ending to their story, writing, “So I never told the story on Facebook because it was too traumatic, but now we’re ready to tell the story of how we lost our cat, Rayne Beau, in Yellowstone National Park on June 4 and 60 days later was found in Roseville California.
Despite the amazing news that their cat had been miraculously found nearly 800 miles away from Yellowstone National Park, the cat was severely malnourished after making the harrowing journey across the country. “He was really depleted,” Susanne noted. “He probably didn’t have a lot of energy to even go further.”
However, the family is still unaware of how their cat made the unimaginably long journey across the country, noting how microchipping one’s pets can be the difference in ultimately finding them in such a situation. “Definitely microchip your cat or your pet and register the microchip online,” said Susanne. “We would have never gotten them back had that not happened.”
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The couple hopes with the increasing publicity of Rayne Beau’s story, it will bring forward anyone who observed the cat along the journey and provide more details to the story. “Hey, I remember that cat, and like we saw it here, we saw it there or even they took it in,” said Benny.
The couple also wants to encourage other pet owners to take precautions, such as microchips or a global tracker, to protect their animals. As Rayne Beau has safely returned home in the company of his siblings, Benny and Susanne anticipate on taking their cats on more camping trips in the future.
Watch Rayne Beau’s story below:
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.