In yet another awkward moment for President Joe Biden, he froze up at the podium while part of the way through a speech in which he was attacking Russia for its treatment of Navalny and Republicans for not being willing to send yet more aid to the Ukrainians.
“What has happened to Navalny is yet more proof of Putin’s brutality. No one should be fooled — not in Russia, not at home, not anywhere in the world. Putin does not only target his [the] citizens of other countries, as we’ve seen what’s going on in Ukraine right now, he also inflicts terrible crimes on his own people,” Biden said during the speech, referring to the reported death of Navalny.
He continued, claiming that Navalny had virtues which Putin lacks, saying, “And as people across Russia and around the world are mourning Navalny today because he was so many things that Putin was not: He was brave. He was principled. He was dedicated to building a Russia where the rule of law existed and of — where it applied to everybody. Navalny believed in that Russia — that Russia. He knew it was a cause worth fighting for and, obviously, even dying for.”
He then used that to demand yet more funding for the Ukrainians, saying, “This tragedy reminds us of the stakes of this moment. We have to provide the funding so Ukraine can keep defending itself against Putin’s vicious onslaughts and war crimes.”
Later, he was asked, “Is there anything you can do to get ammunition to the Ukrainians without the supplemental from Congress?” He responded, “No, but it’s about time they step up — don’t you think? — instead of going on a two-week vacation. Two weeks they’re walking away. Two weeks. What are they thinking? My God, this is bizarre. And it’s just reinforcing all the concern and — and almost — I won’t say “panic,” but real concern about the United States being a reliable ally. This is outrageous.”
Similarly, when asked, “Are you more confident now that you’ll get the Ukraine aid given what’s happened today?” Biden responded, “Well, I hope to God it helps. But I mean, the idea we need anything more to get the Ukraine aid — I mean, — I mean, this is — in light of a former president’s statement that — saying Russia, if — if they haven’t paid their dues to us, go get them. Come on. What are these guys doing? What are they doing?”
But, amidst his attacks on Republicans for not passing the spending he wants, Biden also froze up. Watch the awkward moment here:
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Biden isn’t the only aging US politician to have a brain freeze moment when speaking to reporters. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell infamously did so as well, freezing for even longer than Biden did in an extremely awkward and worrisome moment. Watch it here: