President Joe Biden recently snapped on a reporter when asked about the Biden-Harris administration’s response, or lack thereof, to the disastrous impact of Hurricane Helen that has ravaged parts of the East Coast. The hurricane has destroyed communities and claimed over 100 lives with many more missing across the southeast.
On Monday, a reporter asked Biden why he and Vice President Kamala Harris were not in Washington, D.C. leading a substantive response from the federal government to the hurricane, the president offered a harsh response. “On the hurricane, Mr. President, why weren’t you and Vice President Harris here in Washington commanding this this weekend?” Biden was asked.
Biden fired back at the reporter, “I was commanding, I was on the phone for at least two hours yesterday and the day before as well. I command. It’s called a telephone.” Biden returned to the White House on Sunday afternoon after taking another vacation in his beach home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Moreover, Vice President Harris was on the complete opposite end of the country, hosting fundraisers on the West Coast in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
Subsequently, social media users have criticized Biden’s leadership regarding the disaster on the east coast. “This is beyond disgraceful. Get this man out of there. No one has ever deserved to be kick out of office more than this man,” one person said. “He dedicated a whole 4 hours of phone time. Come on man, he’s being serious. No joke!” they added.
Another person wrote, “Ah yes, “commanding it” from the shadows, of course! Maybe he’s still drafting the emergency declaration in between naps, or he’s waiting for a sign from the teleprompter gods. Or perhaps it’s all part of the master plan: declare a national emergency only after things have hit rock bottom, just to really drive the point home. It’s all about timing, you know—can’t rush these things when you’re *so* in control.”
Watch Biden below:
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